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Physical gaming collections have had many of us by the throats for years now. There’s no better feeling than finally snagging a game you’ve been searching for for years in your hands. Sometimes, you’ll need to have spent an exorbitant amount of money to get it, but who’s keeping track of something as silly as money? One of the greatest consoles to collect for, the PSP, had an incredible run of games during its lifetime. Now, we are at a point where some of those games are worth a fortune. Let’s take a look at what some of those games are according to their sell prices on ebay!
10. Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley – $75 (2010)

Harvest Moon games (now called Story of Seasons) have a long history in the gaming universe. Hero of Leaf Valley follows your character as he tries to prevent a big company from turning the town of Leaf Valley into an amusement park in two years. It’s a remake of the popular Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland on PS2 as well as the final Harvest Moon game released on the PSP. As a result, it’s only gotten more and more expensive as time has gone on. According to other entries in the list, collectors go wild for games that are the final entry on a console.
9. Class of Heroes 2 – $100 (2009)

Class of Heroes 2 is essentially an enhanced version of the very first game with more for players to choose from. Players will create their party and work through different dungeons and objectives while at Particus Academy. Since this version of the game is essentially the ultimate version, players held on to their copies to come back to time and time again. As a result, copies became less frequent in the wild, resulting in their scarcity and therefore, their price hike.
8. The Legend of Heroes III: Song of the Ocean – $120 (2006)

The Legend of Heroes franchise is still popular to this day. At this point in its lifetime, Song of the Ocean was released as the fifth game in the series. Within the franchise, the games are broken up into arcs and this one specifically is the third in the Gagharv arc. If you’re a fan of the series, then you know that this is the final part of the Gagharv arc before the currently ongoing Trails arc begins. Because of this, the game will cost you an arm and a leg if you even manage to find it in the first place.
7. Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble – $125 (2009)

I’ve always loved the Kenka Bancho series since I feel like it’s to Yakuza what Bully is to Grand Theft Auto. Badass Rumble was the first in the series to be released in the States as well as the last because the concept of teenagers beating each other up just didn’t catch on. Unfortunately, that meant that fans of the franchise had to import the subsequent five games that were released from Japan. Since Badass Rumble owners knew that their copies would be in high demand for collectors wanting to grab all 11 games, the game’s prices have slowly risen.
6. Hezyz Force – $170 (2009)

Hezyz Force is one of those charming JRPGs that are slowly lost to time. It’s not because it’s a bad game, but because it’s the only game of its kind with no sequels, prequels, or spin-offs. Not only that, but it was one of the few games that really took advantage of the PSP’s sound capabilities. Hezyz Force is also a game that can be finished quickly, making it one that collectors tend to have in their regular gaming rotation. Unfortunately, that means that it’s not as available as it used to be, resulting in price hikes up to $170.
5. Hammerin’ Hero – $170 (2008)

I personally remember Hammerin’ Hero as being insanely fun due to the different jobs you could change to and the sound effects that followed hitting an enemy. However, despite my personal opinion, its popularity can actually be attributed to it being the latest and final installment of the Hammerin’ Harry series. Hammerin’ Harry has a huge cultural following of arcade gamers in places like Japan and Hong Kong. That, paired with the fact that so very few copies were produced, limited the PSP installment’s availability and raised its price for those wanting to add it to their collections. I saw prices as high as $170 that were complete-in-box, so it might not be too bad of an investment.
4. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona – $200 (2009)

The Persona franchise is always incredibly popular. With the third and fourth games increasing the popularity of the series, Atlus decided to let loose a PSP version of the first game. It wasn’t nearly as popular, but the fact that players could now have physical copies of the first three games for PSP helped sales. Now, you’re looking at $100 just to get a used version of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona that won’t come with a manual or case. However, you’ll get to meet your favorite demons as they were drawn at the very beginning!
3. Persona 2: Innocent Sin – $220 (2011)

Of course Persona 2: Innocent Sin would be so high up on this list. As the Persona franchise has grown in popularity, so have the prices of older installments. However, the second installment is particularly high on this list because it is the only version of the game to be released in the US. Originally, the second Persona installment never made a western appearance. Now, the only way to get it is to play it on the PSP, which of course made its value rise in price over the years.
2. Ys I & II Chronicles – $220 (2011)

This release combines the first two Ys games, Ys I: Ancient Ys Vanished and Ys II: Ancient Ys Vanished- The Final Chapter. Realistically, any installment in the series will fetch a pretty penny if you’re looking to collect them, but these games were originally among the first ever to receive an English dub and be released in the States. At this point, the franchise had been a little over 12 years old which absolutely warranted a rerelease of the games that made them popular. Because many would consider these two to be the pinnacle of JRPG design, the PSP version slowly rose in value over the years. The added soundtrack CD that came in the Premium Edition was just the icing on the cake.
1. Persona 3 Portable [Junpei Hat Bundle] – $550 (2009)

Persona 3 Portable was already popular before it was released since it’s a remake of the incredibly popular Persona 3. When the collector’s edition was announced to include Junpei’s signature hat, fans went feral. As time went on and more versions of the original game were released, prices climbed with the highest I’ve come across in my research being $550. It has sat at the top of many collector’s lists since it was released.