The following up to Remnant: From the Ashes will be released soon, but is there a way to play Remnant 2 early? Fortunately, there is an early access version of Remnant 2 that you can download. The sequel is set to launch in late July, yet early access will be available to play several days earlier. Early access will give players more playtime, giving them an early advantage against other gamers as they would spend more time playing and leveling up. However, to gain early access to Remnant 2, you must purchase a specific edition of the game.
Remnant 2: Early Access Details

Early access for Remnant 2 is only available to people who pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition. Remnant 2 early access will be available to play three days before the official launch date. The official release date for Remnant 2 is July 25, meaning you can expect to download the early access version of the game late July 21 or early July 22, depending on where you live.
The Ultimate Edition has three armor sets, a Survival Pack, and a DLC Bundle. Remnant 2 Ultimate Edition will cost 69.99 USD on digital storefronts.
The three armor sets are the Elder, Void, and Raint armors from the original Remnant: From The Ashes. The Survival Pack includes 2 Mudtooth Elixirs, 5 Bloodroot, 3 Ammo Boxes, 1000 Scraps, and 10 Iron. The Mudtooth Elixir offers experience bonuses. The DLC Bunclde includes 3 DLC Packs that have yet to be revealed. Pre-ordering any versions of the game on digital platforms will reward you with the Gunslinger Archetype early.
Remnant 2 has players return to the post-apocalyptic world overrun by the Root. The title is a third-person shooter role-playing game that features dark imagery and challenging gameplay. You can pick archetypes for your avatar character, which serve as classes from classic RPGs.
How To Get The Tarnished Ring in Remnant From the Ashes
Remnant 2 will launch for the PlayStation 5,