It seems these days that if we’re not watching superhero movies, we’re watching classic movie franchises try to replicate their old success with mixed results. The once great Die Hard franchise, ironically enough, refuses to do just that. So we’re ‘treated’ to the sight of Bruce Willis surviving increasingly un-survivable events. Because, apparently, John Mclain is like a steak; he just gets tougher with age. Meanwhile, Terminator took the promising concept of Genysis and fumbled it by giving away the huge plot twist in the second trailer. And, after Prometheus, we now find ourselves wondering if Ridley Scott’s beloved Alien franchise might be headed the same way.

But if Ridley Scott has any concerns, he’s clearly determined to go down swinging as he confirms two more movies to follow ‘Alien Covenant’.
Before we go any further, we should probably ditch the nostalgia goggles. None of the sequels managed to reach the heights of the original movies. In particular, they failed to understand that the titular Alien was at its most terrifying when it was a singular, almost unstoppable menace. Having more than one allows conservation of ninjitsu to take effect.
Anyway, Ridley Scott explained that Covenant and the next two films will form a prequel trilogy, setting up events for the original 1979 classic.
Does this mean that Prometheus is no longer canon? Apparently not;
“Prometheus was borne out of my frustration that in the three Aliens that followed [mine], no-one asked the question ‘Who made the Alien and why?'”, he explains, reiterating something he’s been saying for ages. “Very basic questions. I came up with the notion of Prometheus, which starts to indicate who might have made it and where it came from. So I’m now going to the next one, which is the next evolution directly connected with the first one. We’ll kind of pick it up there, with Michael Fassbender in pieces, and it will evolve…”
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