Roblox became one of the most popular games after the release of the Squid Games series when fans rebuild all challenges from Netflix’s series into the game. After that, players found out the great potential of Roblox, and since it has found its fan base. Now there is a BedWars section in the Roblox as well, and here are all the commands you must know.
BedWars all commands in Roblox
In the BedWars section of Roblox, many players can join the already made matches or make themselves and play with friends. But to create and use a custom match, knowing all the commands is necessary. So here are all the commands you have to know in Roblox BedWars:
Note: The general commands also work in BedWars, and the commands mentioned below are the has the most frequent usage in BedWars, and some of them are only used in BedWars
Command | Action |
/announce Message | Give a message to everyone in the game. Replace the Message with the text you want everyone to read |
/blacklistitem Item Name | Restricts the said item in the custom match. Replace the ItemName with the name of the object you want to restrict, and you can multiple items by separating them with underscores |
/cohost all | Give co-host permissions and host panel access to all players |
/disablekit KitName | Disables the kit from being used in the match. Replace the KitName with the kit you want to disable. |
/enchant EnchantmentName_Level | Applies the Enchantment listed in commands. Replace EnchantmentName with enchantment and Level with the level of enchantment you want. |
/disaster DisasterName | Spawn-specific disasters in the game. Replace the name of the wanted disaster with DisasterName in command |
/give @PlayerName | @all | @team:TeamColor ItemName Amount | Gives the selected players the specified amount of the selected item. |
/kick UserName | Replace the username of the player you want to kick with the UserName in command. |
/luckyaridrop | Forces an airdrop of 1-10 Lucky Blocks in a random area on the map. |
/setDeathmatchTime XX | Sets the time until the deathmatch countdown begins. Replace XX with the number of seconds to wait before the deathmatch timer starts. |
/ setGeneratorMultiplier XX | Sets the multiplier spawn rate for resource generators. Replace XX with a number above zero to set the spawn rate. |
/setthealthgreen Player ReganAmount | Changs the rate of players’ self regen health. Replace Player with the name of the player and RegenAmount with the healing rate |
/spawn ItemName Amount | Spawns an item of your choosing. Replace ItemName with the name of the wanted item and change Amount to ao how many items you want to be spawned. |
/togglespawn Name true/false | Toggles the spawn of the mentioned item. use the Name with the name of the item and true or false to enable or disable the spawn of it. |
/tp all | Teleports all players to a point on the map |
/tpbed Color_bed | Teleports you to a team bed. Replace Color with the color of the bed you want to be teleported |
/tp UserName | Teleports you to another player. Replace UserName with the user to whom you’d like to teleport |