The last main installment to the Batman: Arkham Trilogy developed by Rocksteady Studios was Batman: Arkham Knight in 2015. Sure, they came out with Arkham VR, but I wouldn’t consider that a main installment. After that, the franchise changed hands to WB Montreal, which developed Gotham Knights. Unfortunately, nothing has sparked the same flames from the original Arkham trilogy, though that might be changing.
Nick Baker, co-founder of, replied to a Tweet from The Game Awards asking readers who their dream developer for the next Batman game would be. Instead of answering the question, he said that he had heard that Rocksteady was back to making them. In the same Tweet, he theorized that Sony would attempt to milk the game for everything it’s worth.
A New Batman Game Might Be on the Horizon
Of course, commentators took to the replies to ask questions and see if they could probe Baker further, considering his connections within the industry. Although he doesn’t answer anyone’s questions outright, he does reply to one person. He answers one user who doubts that instead of a new game, it’ll merely be a remaster of the previous ones in Rocksteady Studios’ library. To that, Baker says,
For context, Baker is a well-known industry figurehead concerning all things
It’s exciting to think about what we could expect from a new Arkham game. I’d like to think that many of the developers who worked on the original games would be involved in this new one, but I don’t think that’s likely. There is no proposed window for when any information about a new Batman game would be announced, but I hope it will be at PlayStation’s upcoming State of Play.