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Introduced via a free update shortly after the release of the Iceborne expansion, Defender Weapons are powerful armaments that can help give you the edge. Their purpose was to exhilarate players’ progress through the latter stages of the base game in a bid to get them ready for the increasingly difficult Iceborne content. Due to their overpowered nature, however, some hardcore players recommend avoiding them if you can help it. So, should you use Defender Weapons in Monster Hunter World? Let’s shed some light on this topic.
What Are Defender Weapons in MHW?

Essentially, Defender Weapons and Defender Armor are powerful versions of the standard equipment in the game. They’re all forgeable from the beginning of your campaign and can be upgraded for use up to Master Rank 1. Not only do they boast higher Attack damage, but they also feature improved Sharpness stats and Elemental buffs.
What muddies the water and makes Defender Weapons and Defender Armor less desirable is the fact that they’re so dang overpowered compared to their regular versions. So much so, in fact, that some players actually believe they can prove detrimental in the long run to your overall skills and muscle memory. In other words, they’re so strong, you won’t need any skill to wield them, and once players embark on their more-challenging adventure in Iceborne, they’re likely to have their butts beaten to a pulp.
Should I Use Defender Weapons and Defender Armor in MHW?
Ultimately, we believe the answer depends on how you like to play Monster Hunter: World. If you’re playing solo or you’re a newbie, and you’re feeling a little underpowered, we’d definitely recommend forging some Defender Weapons and Armor to help give you a boost.
On the other hand, if you’re playing in a team of hunters, and you’re a more experienced Monster Hunter player who knows the game like the back of their hand, then we’d suggest forgoing the powerful equipment and relying on your tried-and-tested skills to carry you through.
Either way, there’s no real right or wrong answer to this conundrum, but it’s nice that Capcom has given players the freedom of choice. Really, as long as you’re having fun, that’s all that matters, right?
And that does it for our guide on whether you should you use Defender Weapons in Monster Hunter World. For more tips and tricks, keep it locked at The Nerd Stash.