Let’s have a pop quiz. Can anyone tell me, what do we do with witches? That’s right, we burn them. But what do we burn apart from witches? More witches. But seriously, we burn wood. So those are your clues. Why do witches burn? I could drag the Monty Python reference out all day long, but let’s be honest. We’re here to watch a speedrun, not a British comedy. This episode of Speedrun Fast is brought to you by Bayonetta 2 and General Beatrix, the runner who beat the game last year for the gold trophy. Who also happens to be British. See how beautifully this is coming together?
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGy_mCHgDn0[/embedyt]
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This run of Bayonetta 2 is performed with a NG+ file on Infinite Climax difficulty – the Bayonetta equivalent of an Insane mode. To unlock this difficulty, the game must first be beaten on 3rd Climax, which some gamers compare to the first game’s Normal mode. However, unlike the first one, Bayonetta 2’s Infinite Climax does not remove Witch Time and instead opts for powering up the enemies and replacing weaker ones with stronger alternatives. The time for this run is 2 hours and 23 minutes, while the record for 3rd Climax is just under three hours. The difference may be that it was played on the disc, which is typically always slower than download.
Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 were released together for the price of one game in 2014, and were popular enough that the titular Umbra Witch ended up winning the ballot for inclusion in Super Smash Bros. This leaves just one question remaining: how do we tell whether she is made of wood? Oh come on, like this segment could possibly have ended any other way than bringing back that witch scene.
There’s a new Speedrun Fast every week, so don’t forget to comment and check out The Nerd Stash for lots of other awesome stuff every day!