Here’s a little Christmas present from our friends over at Blizzard: Starcraft 2 players will receive double XP in all game modes through January 3rd. The best news here for people who are terrible at Starcraft 2 (like me) is that key phrase “all modes.” As Blizzard states in their blog post on “Whether you’ve wanted that sweet level 25 dance animation, or want to increase your commander levels in Co-op missions, this will be a great time to play.” And we all want that sweet dance animation; it is why we play the game.
If competitive Starcraft 2 is more your style, Blizzard also has announced that they will also have tournaments starting every hour on the hour beginning at 12:00 PM PST and ending at midnight. With the Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void expansion releasing about a month ago, now is the perfect time to hop online and practice with the new strategies and units that came with it. You can read what’s new with Legacy of the Void in our preview.
Although MOBAs like Dota 2, League of Legends, and Blizzard’s own Heroes of the Storm have taken over the eSports scene, Starcraft 2 still maintains a very strong competitive scene. With double XP lasting through the new year, Blizzard wants to make sure you are playing Legacy of the Void well into 2016. If you’re on the fence about whether or not to pick it up, here’s the opening cinematic to fire you up. My life for Aiur!
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Excited to jump back into Starcraft 2 and be rewarded doubly for doing so? Or have all the winter sales made it impossible for you to return to any games you already own? Let us know in the comments. And if you feel like sharing any Starcraft 2 strategy, that would be nice, too…