With all new games, like Starfield, of course, we want to learn how to use cheats with console commands. Who wouldn’t want to cheat their way through a game after they’ve completed a playthrough? Starfield allows players to use console commands in-game for all types of things. Sometimes, it’s fun to let loose and play a game without the challenge, to relax and enjoy it. However, if you do plan on using console commands, be sure to save your game beforehand, as there is always a chance that using cheats can negatively affect your save file. Let’s look at how to use cheats with console commands in Starfield.
How To Use Console Commands in Starfield

Accessing the command console in Starfield is pretty simple:
- Press the ` button above your Tab key. This action will open up that command console. However, note that some console commands can turn off achievements on your current save.
- Now, you can type in any commands you’d like or even copy and paste them into the text box.
- Finally, hit the enter button to activate it.
- Closing the command console is as simple as pressing the ` button once more.
Console commands cannot be used on
All Console Commands in Starfield
- player.additem <item_ID> <quantity>
- Adds a particular item to your inventory in a given quantity
- player.additem 0000000f <quantity>
- Adds Credits to your account in a given quantity
- player.modav experience <quantity>
- Adds experience to your character in a given quantity
- player.additem 0000000a <qauntity>
- Adds digipicks to your account inventory in a given quantity
- player.additem 0000ABF9 <quantity>
- Adds med packs to your account in a given quantity
- player.setav carryweight <quantity>
- Adjusts your carry weight to a specified quantity
- kill
- Kill an NPC by clicking on them with the command console open
- resurect
- resurrect target corpse
- tcai
- Makes all NPCs passive
- tfc
- Toggles free cam
- tmm 1
- Adds map markers to all planet surface locations
- tcl
- Toggles collision
- tai
- Toggles AI
- tgm
- Toggles God Mode
- player.setlevel <quantity>
- Sets your player at a specified level
- player.setav speedmult <quantity>
- Sets the player speed multiplier to a specified amount
- player.setav health <quantity>
- Sets the player max health to a specified amount
- sexchange
- Change’s your character’s gender while resetting to the default look
- killall
- Kills all nearby targets, including your companion
- movetoqt
- Teleports you to your current quest target
- saq
- Starts all quests
- caqs
- Completes all quest steps
- psb
- Grant yourself every in-game power
- tm
- Toggle the UI on and off
- tdetect
- Toggles NPC detection
- help <search term>
- Gives the ID and command information for whatever search term you input
Why You Should Wait to Play Starfield in 6 Months
We hope you found our guide on how to use cheats with console commands in Starfield helpful. Remember that using console commands can disable achievements on your account.
Starfield is now available on