Hold onto your wallets. The Steam Summer Sale begins June 11 and will continue until June 20. Or so the reports say.
Information was leaked on the social networking platform VK regarding the dates of the sales. VK is used in Russia, which explains why not everyone reading this will be able to read the leaked post. But even if you don’t read Cyrillic, you can still read the numbers of the dates clear as day. (And there’s always Google Translate.)
Also mentioned are two days of encore sales set to follow the Summer Sale. Blowout savings will again be offered over these two days, likely including games hugely discounted during the Summer Sale. Whether this is kind or cruel on Valve’s part is for you to decide, because having treats dangled in front of your face after you’ve been told “no more” isn’t necessarily a bad thing, is it? (All the Steam users jump up and down, reaching toward the treats, shouting wildly, “No! It isn’t!”)
As a company that tends to keep dates such as these a secret and often capitalizes on their spontaneity and limited duration, it’s unlikely any more will be heard of the Summer Sale until it actually begins. Then again, because of this premature announcement, Valve may feel the need to publish a response. It may yet even turn out to be that these dates are utter bogus, like our hopes of ever seeing Konami’s PT as a finished game.
Either way, it’s hard to imagine that this leaked date (let’s call it a rumor for now) will hurt Valve’s sales in any significant way. However, there is the potential that the pre-release of the sale dates could give Valve’s competition a leg up in racing ahead and listing even steeper discounts than Steam.
You know what they say. Games retail is a dog eat dog world.