After a full week of blisteringly fast gaming, Summer Games Done Quick came to an end. As much as we hate to bid farewell to a week of speedrunning, the amount raised was anything but sad.

After thousands of viewers donating over the course of the week, the grand total reached 1.2 million dollars for Doctors Without Borders. The event started Sunday, July 3rd and ended Saturday, July 9 at midnight ET. It was a straight week of some of the best, most precise gaming of the year. Some of the best runners in the world tackled old classics like Super Mario Bros. 3, Pokémon Red and Blue, Mega Man 3 and 5, and newer gems like Dishonored, Ratchet and Clank, Super Mario Sunshine, and Demon’s Souls.
Some highlights of the week include HalfCordinated beating Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight with only one hand, the TAS Bot completing Super Mario Bros. 3 in under two seconds, and romscout beating Castlevania: Symphony of the Night blindfolded. Some truly remarkable gameplay was on display, with great commenting from the couch.

Even if I didn’t understand the game the commentators would explain every exploit and glitch, walking viewers through the process and what systems they were taking advantage of. Games Done Quick happens twice a year, bringing together the best in the speedrunning community.
Visit the Games Done Quick YouTube Channel to see the high-octane action that took place over the past week.