Watch enemies radiate with fear at the sight of a radioactive slab of concrete strapped to your arm.
All aboard the space ninja gold rush.
Yes, we’re judging books by their covers.
Robo ninja wizards in space has never been more legit.
You need a concrete build plan for Qorvex.
Who’s up for a heated discussion?
Eventually, you’ll be swimming in them.
Those fractures aren’t gonna seal themselves, Tenno.
Uh oh, it’s that crafting component again.
Ifrit and a Baldurian Vampire walk into the Orbiter.
Make space in your phone for the ninjas in space.
Here’s a grocery list, Tenno.
Pray to RNGesus for those Omega Isotopes.
Bite the bullet.
Time to bring the fight to all platforms.
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More +You can find them in Uranus.
Hurry up or they “Argon.” Seriously.
It ain’t much but it’s honest work.
Gather your best weapons. It’s time to farm.
It takes a weapon to make a weapon.
Nora’s back at it again with the fishing challenge.
Separating the mean guns from the meme guns.
You get an Incarnon! And you get an Incarnon! Everyone gets an Incarnon!
Online wars have been waged over Riven mods; you’ll soon find out why.