Title: Batman: The Telltale Series – Episode 4: Guardian of Gotham Version Tested: PC Available On:…
Title: Batman: The Telltale Series – Episode 3: New World Order Version Tested: PC Available…
Powered Geek Box is a geek subscription box full of gifts for nerds, geeks, and…
All good things must come to an end and it seems that Arkham VR is…
Title: Batman: The Telltale Series – Episode 2: Children of Arkham Version Tested: PC Available On:…
September 17th is officially Batman Day, finally giving us a day to celebrate the dark…
Happy Batman Day! On Tuesday, September 20th, we will see the release of the next episode of Batman:…
Zack Snyder, director of the upcoming Justice League film, revealed a single image today of the…
After a stylish tease from Ben Affleck last week, it has been confirmed that Joe…
The first teaser for Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders has been released, and it is…
Title: Batman: The Telltale Series – Episode 1: Realm of Shadows Version Tested: PC Available…
Like most Batman fans, I absolutely adore The Killing Joke. Ya know what else I…
LEGO Batman is back, and this time, he’s not alone. The first trailer for the…
During the 60’s, Batman reached an all-time high in popularity thanks to the Adam West…
Telltale’s Batman Episode 1 is coming very soon. Telltale’s Batman is a game many gamers…
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More +After spending a lot of time building the DCEU, director Zack Snyder took to the…
After four years of following the story of Jim Gordon, the FOX television show Gotham…
DC Universe, DC’s own streaming service that includes many of their popular properties such as…
Rocksteady Studios seems like they might be gearing up to announce their next big title.…
Ben Affleck is still attached to The Batman universe, even though he may not be…
Batman: The Enemy Within, Telltale’s take on the Caped Crusader, has been a pretty successful…
Batman: The Enemy Within, the second season of Telltale’s take on the caped crusader, has…
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The Batman may be on its own. That’s the implication given by Matt Reeves, according to…
Since taking over the helm as director from Ben Affleck – who will also star…