A rotting cabbage is a small price to pay to know your fate
Once Human
Getting overpowered ain’t easy in this game
The puzzle’s solution will shock you
You’ve Russianed your last roulette.
There’s gotta be more room somewhere
This is what you get for trusting Mary
Our Optimal Primer for the Prime War
Its mine, my own, my precious!
It’s a wild world out there
Better than AFK methods
They’re fast becoming an ARPG staple these days
Dinosaurs that breathe fire are kind of cool
Once Human is filled with various Deviants with different abilities that can help you in battle…
Using forsaken tactics
Latest stories
More +These are the Deviants you want to keep around
Cooking Dragon, Hidden Treasure
A rotting cabbage is a small price to pay to know your fate
Getting overpowered ain’t easy in this game
The puzzle’s solution will shock you
You’ve Russianed your last roulette.
There’s gotta be more room somewhere
This is what you get for trusting Mary
Our Optimal Primer for the Prime War