Title – Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition Version Tested – Xbox One Available On…
Titanfall: inbound! The developers at Respawn Entertainment dropped the trailer for Titanfall 2 today. PS4, Xbox…
Finnish developer Remedy Entertainment is best known for their single player games like Alan Wake…
Title: Quantum Break Version Tested On: Xbox One Available On: PC, Xbox One Developer: Remedy Entertainment…
The March update for the Xbox One came out earlier today, and it will certainly…
According to Mike Ybarra, the head of programming for Xbox, revealed in a recent interview…
It wasn’t that long ago when Microsoft announced that the Arbiter would be joining the…
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition will be releasing for Xbox One and PC…
Title: This War of Mine: The Little Ones
After several years in development, Fable Legends has been cancelled and Lionhead Studios has been…
Title: The Flame in the Flood Version Tested: Xbox One Available On: Mac OSX, Windows, Xbox One…
Title: Far Cry Primal Available On: PS4, Xbox One, PC Developer: Ubisoft Montreal Publisher: Ubisoft…
Title: Rocket League Available On: Xbox One, PS4, PC Platform Tested On: Xbox One Developer:…
The Arbiter, the leader of the Covenant and former enemy of the Master Chief, is…
Quantum Break feels like it was announced years ago… probably because it was. Back in…
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More +Title: Stardew Valley Available On: PS4, PC, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch (coming soon) Developer: Eric Barone Publisher: Chucklefish…
Those familiar with Microsoft and Epic Games’ Gears of War series are probably familiar with Augustus…
Can’t wait until the recently announced release date to play Mass Effect: Andromeda? There are a few…
Killer Instinct occupies a strange place in the fighting game community. It still does maintain a…
Title: Titanfall 2 Available On: PS4, PC, Xbox One Developer: Respawn Entertainment Publisher: Electronic Arts Genre: First-Person Shooter Official…
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Earlier this year Ratchet and Clank reminded us how fun 3D platformers are. The genre…
Gears of War 4 will be balanced on controller. The game is slated to come…
Title: Prison Architect Version Tested – Xbox One Available On – PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360,…