TeeFury.com strikes again! Remember, TeeFury.com offers custom t-shirts each day for a 24-hour period. When the 24 hours has ended, it is moved into the Gallery, where you can vote to bring it or one of your other favorite designs back from the dead. Additionally, TeeFury product line does not stop at their featured 24-hour shirt line. For example, ladies, check out their legging section to find some of the wild, crazy (yet awesome) leggings! If you prefer hoodies over t-shirts, they can set you up in a pretty great hoodie. Not really a fan of t-shirts, hoodies or leggings but like art? They have something for you too! Check out their selection of Pop Art Prints. We were excited when we received these two prints in the mail recently:

We were equally excited to get some more t-shirts from TeeFury.com to share with you. The shirts from this company are made with quality material and are custom designs. Again, many of their featured, custom shirt are only available for 24 hours and then gone! So, keep checking back to make sure you don’t miss out on a really cool design. Any Pee-Wee Herman Fans? This t-shirt is a great representation of the Big Adventure movie:

Remember Large Marge? It’s October so a little scary story might be a perfect way to remind you of who she was.
Check this out:
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The next t-shirt we received was a blast from the past! Take a look at this old, class Nintendo controller. Yes, I played on this system when it was on the shelf in the stores as the newest and greatest thing. I was younger then. Now, I am playing games with my kids on the newer systems and still having a blast! So, let’s celebrate, for a moment the classics:

The next shirt was inspired by the Fallout games and it reminds us to always “Prepare for the Future.”

The fourth, and final shirt we received from TeeFury.com comes from a show my husband loved when he was younger (and secretly still does!), ThunderCats. It appears to be the cover of a cereal box with Lion-O eating his favorite cereal, Lion-O’s, “They’re Thunderlicious!” and you get a sword inside every box!

If you like these designs, you should definitely check out TeeFury.com. Remember, they highlight a new design for 24 hours and then it may or may not be available and, don’t forget, they have leggings, hoodies, poster prints and more! Check them out!
Website: https://www.teefury.com/
Facebook: facebook.com/teefury