Even though it hasn’t been officially announced, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan has
You can find the achievements here on
However, the achievements also give gamers an idea of what the game is shaping up to be. I won’t post any spoilers here, as some of the achievements give away a few story beats, but there is an achievement for “Using any character 50 times,” and “Hang outside of an enemy hideout for at least 10 seconds.” It looks like Platinum’s game will have some sort of open world element to it.
There are also cool nods to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle lore (I can’t believe I typed that sentence…), such as mentions of Bebop and Rocksteady, to the ability to switch between different Turtles against one enemy.
Most interestingly, one of the first achievements on the list is for playing online “at least once.” The icon has two Turtles shaking hands. While this may be overanalyzing a bit too much, it makes sense that a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game would include some sort of co-op component. Previous Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games, such as the arcade classics and the PS2,
Personally, it seems as if this new game from Platinum, which is published by Activision, has the chance to really sell well. There is a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie coming out this fall, and such a quick turnaround, from rumors to an eventual announcement, seem as if the game has been in development for a few years before it started to leak.
What do you think? Are you excited for more mutants in Manhattan? Or do you wish you had Scalebound sooner? Sound off in the comments below!