The Apothecary Diaries anime debuted in the fall 2023 season, but fortunately, TOHO Animation announced that the anime will have 24 episodes and shared its new opening. The premise of the anime’s historical drama and characters and its intriguing storyline quickly won viewers’ hearts. In the first part, Maomao is an apothecary kidnapped and sold to work in the Imperial Palace. Maomao gets her way after solving some mysteries of her expertise, but this apothecary will have to work for the Outer Palace for the second part. But there are still many unknowns and loose ends that Maomao will have to deal with.
The Apothecary Diaries Second Opening Shows the Cast for the Second Part of the Anime
Maomao had to solve another of the palace’s mysteries in the first part of the season. Still, because of a misunderstanding with Master Jinshi, she has to start working in the palace outside. This means a change in the characters’ life and work dynamics. There will be many familiar faces for the new act of The Apothecary Diaries. However, some of the characters at the beginning may no longer appear, and there will also be new members. Also, a few characters from the first chapters appeared in the video, but they will have their spotlight until this second part of the anime. One example is the courtesans that Maomao always lived with, and now they will be more present.
There will be new friends, enemies, and allies that Maomao and Jinshi will have to deal with, but the plot will get even more complicated. Crunchyroll has the simulcast of The Apothecary Diaries and will premiere the new opening on January 6, 2024. The rest of the anime season is already available on the Crunchyroll platform and will continue to release episodes on Saturdays. Don’t miss any episode of this apothecary, which has just started the most exciting part of the story.