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Starting for your first time in Ark Survivor Evolved is no easy task as a beginner and might require some tips and tricks. There are dangers all around you, and you start with nothing. Though the game skimps a bit on tutorials and doesn’t explain what you should be doing, some guidance will go a long way to helping you. That’s why we’ve provided this list of 5 tips and tricks you should know as a beginner in Ark Survival Evolved. Keep reading below to learn more.
Avoid Dangerous Areas

There’s something rather alluring about the water. Though, there is a reason it made it to the top 5 tips and tricks in Ark Survival Evolved. The water is filled with loads of dangerous creatures. While it might be ideal in the early stages of your game to swim out with a spear to collect some raw fish meat, it isn’t worth it. With dangers like Mantas and Megalodons, it’s best to stick to the land. That said, snowy biomes and the redwood forest are also big no-no’s until you’ve got a decent amount of armor and good stats. Just avoid the dangerous areas for a while, water included.
If it Glows, It’s BAD

Early on in Ark Survival Evolved, there are many dangers you should be aware of. To begin with, you should avoid any creatures that glow red at all costs. The red hue around them signifies that they are an Alpha creature. Alpha creatures tend to be at a higher level than most, they drop awesome rewards and trophies, and are extremely tough to take down. If you come across an Alpha creature, it’s best to run until you’ve got a decent dino army and some metal or Tek weapons.
Farm XP Like Your Life Depends on it

If you’ve ever played Ark Survival Evolved, you should know that almost everything you do gives XP, even if it’s only a tiny amount. However, when you start a new save on the game, some things will provide better XP than others. First, you should be crafting as many Spears as possible. They are easy to prepare and break easily so you will need them sooner or later. Next, do a bit of Dodo hunting. The animals are small and extremely easy to kill. They also have little to no use besides getting Hide and Raw Meat.
Make a Cozy Shelter

The environment alone is dangerous in Ark Survival Evolved. The days get hot, and the nights get equally cold. The weather can still take you out relatively quickly, even with cloth armor. With a basic Thatch hut, you can hide from the weather. It also acts as a great place to store items, put down crafting stations, a place for your bed, and lets you hide from aggressive dinos.
Tame an Army

While defending yourself and building up from nothing may be rewarding, things are always better with extra help. Ark Survival Evolved is no exception when it comes to this fact. However, when it comes to a single-player game, your tribe size is limited. It’s best to let the dinos do some work. To begin with, you should be taming Dilophosaurus to help with fighting, Parasaurs for travel, and Trikes for getting berries and thatch.
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With these few tips and tricks you should know as a beginner in Ark Survival Evolved, you’ll be an expert survivor in no time.