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If you thought the Dredge was the purest nightmare fuel in Dead by Daylight, wait until you meet the Unknown. The game’s newest killer can weaken and down multiple survivors with its UVX launcher, even hitting survivors through walls. Its greatest strength, however, may be its Hallucinations. By teleporting to the twisted copies it leaves behind, the Unknown can strike from unexpected angles, deny unhooks, and otherwise dominate the Trial. Behaviour has given us another high skill ceiling killer, so there’s a lot to learn, but the rewards are worth it. Here are some tips for how to play the Unknown in Dead by Daylight, in no particular order.
5. Focus on the Macro

The Unknown shoots a bouncing AoE projectile using its UVX power. Direct hits Hinder the survivor, whereas indirect hits Weaken or injure the survivor. Although the UVX is useful in chase, don’t get so caught up in 1v1s that you lose sight of the macro. You’re not Chucky, and you won’t win chases like he does. Weakened survivors are forced to stare at you to remove their Weakness, so they’ll need to come to you eventually or risk injury. Be ready to drop chase a moment’s notice if a more important target or objective such as a key generator presents itself. Firing at one survivor while chasing another is also a good way to build pressure on the team.
4. Take Advantage of Info

The Unknown makes great use of perks like Lethal Pursuer and Barbeque and Chili. Not only can you teleport to survivors you spot in the distance, but you can also use auras to hit survivors through walls if they’re too close. If survivors take too long rescuing and a hooked survivor is about to hit second stage, use that info and return to the hook. Wait until they complete the unhooking animation, and you can hit both survivors with your UVX. Even if you don’t intend to tunnel, Weakening both survivors in this way builds instant pressure.
3. Place Your Hallucinations Well

The hazy yellow border on the sides of your screen indicates how close the next Hallucination is to appearing. When the haze reaches the top of the screen, a Hallucination drops. You can delay the haze by activating (but not shooting) your power or by moving near hooks. Use this to take control over where your Hallucinations appear. Planting a Hallucination in the corner of the shack, by an exit gate, or by an important generator is one of the best tips for the Unknown in Dead by Daylight. It’s also a strategy that synergizes well with some of his best builds.
2. Hit Through Walls and At Angles

The UVX’s AoE can hit survivors through walls. You can use this to Weaken or even injure survivors in difficult loops such as shack. Beware, however: this trick only works if the survivor is close to the wall. If they aren’t, not only will your shot fail to connect, but you’ll also slow yourself down. Knowing when to aim for a wall shot and when to chase for an M1 is a tricky but vital part of playing the Unknown well. The UVX bounces off of objects, but without add-ons the bounce is weak. Trick shots and hitting tough angles are possible but don’t throw the game for them.
1. Use Orbitals

Is anything scarier than an orbital Huntress hatchet raining down on you from the sky? An orbital UVX shot is close. Though they’re difficult to land, hitting orbitals is the only way to Weaken and damage survivors who are protected from other angles. Info perks like Discordance can be great for finding multiple survivors repairing a gen together, maximizing the damage you can do with a single shot. Orbitals take plenty of practice to get good with, so don’t rush the process. Adding orbitals to your repertoire in Dead by Daylight may be one of the best tips for the Unknown, but there’s no pressure. There are plenty of other ways to kill survivors while you learn.
Dead by Daylight is available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5,