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Supermarket Simulator has just become one of those games that, even though it’s based on the real-life world of setting a grocery price and scanning things at retail jobs, people still love playing it. Heck, I even found myself trying to fight with customers over things that don’t even matter just because I got lost in it. To make your experience even more exciting, you can add mods. These mods can change or add things in the game that better your overall experience in a way that the base game just can’t offer. Each of the following mods was found on Nexus Mods and has their respective links attached for you to look into for yourself the next time you jump into the game!
Auto Price Updater

The Auto Price Updater mod allows you to have instant price updates to products within Supermarket Simulator. That way, you don’t need to manually approach any item and change the price to better reflect your profits. Additionally, the mod automatically prices items in the store to allow you to stay competitive while pricing smart. One of my favorite aspects of this particular mod is that it essentially works in the background after you’ve configured it to be the best for your management method.
No Max Order Limit

Typically, you only have a limit of ten items you can order from the marketplace when ordering items for your store. With the No Max Order Limit mod, you can order as much as you want without worrying about the limit. This is absolutely incredible when paired with the Storage Expansion mod.
With additional items in storage, you can stock your supermarket and ensure that your customers are always happy. I’ve come to learn that ensure that customers return and spend more money is incredibly difficult, just less so when you can order everything they want in one sitting. It’s also great to know the price of a specific haul of items in Supermarket Simulator, so you already know for the next time.
Storage Expansion

As mentioned above, Storage Expansion can be an incredibly useful mod when paired with No Max Order Limit. The former gives you a ton of additional space to store your supermarket’s stock so that you can worry less about what you do and don’t have. However, without the space to hold all that stuff, ordering a ton of it is basically useless. Realistically, the only fault of this mod is the fact that you’ll need to spend time organizing and understanding where certain products are to make your restocking job that much easier.

BetterCashier is preferred by those who enjoy the roleplaying aspect of Supermarket Simulator. According to the game’s description, cashiers typically have a scan speed of one and a half seconds for every product. This mod changes that up a bit and randomly changes the scan speed of every item to between half a second and a whole one. Not only does this make scanning things a little more realistic, but it also speeds it up to help your customers get out of line that much faster. If you are really looking forward to speeding things up, then this next mod is definitely for you.

The FastForward mod gives you complete control over the speed at which you get deliveries, wait on customers, stock items, and more. From personal experience, there are definitely times in-game when you just seem to be waiting forever. True to life, customers in Supermarket Simulator don’t always need to be in a random supermarket to check the price of things at all day hours. But, since this is a video game, you have the opportunity just to fast forward or slow down the day with this mod. Paired with the BetterCashier mod, you can enjoy some incredibly fast transactions and an even faster way to build your revenue.