Over the years, I’ve played the role of armchair general enough times to earn my stripes, but what Total War game would I really like to see once Total War: Warhammer is done and dusted? Yes, here I am, talking about what I want to see after a game I can’t wait for hasn’t even been released yet. And why the hell didn’t they just call this Total Warhammer? Anyway, here is my thoughts on what the Total War franchise should tackle next:
Total War: Shogun 3 – Yes, it was only a couple of games since the last Shogun title, but Shogun 2 was just oozing character, charm and gave us the great thrill of taking over feudal Japan with the best voice in the world: “Our men are running from the battlefield…it’s a shameful display!” (also known as shamefur dispray). You know what made this one of my stand out Total War games was the fact that everyone was on a level playing field, with no unfair advantage in troop type like you see in the Rome and Medieval games where Roman Legionaries are without a doubt one of the strongest troops in the game.

Total War: Suikoden – I know it’ll never happen because Konami hold the license to this franchise even when they clearly won’t do anything with it, and I know I’m just a fanboy just making noise here, so I’ll swiftly move onto the next one, as soon as I’ve told you why this should definitely happen. Just imagine, you have each of the empires that have existed within the Suikoden series and it would focus very heavily on the grand scale battles that occur within the games, making this more of a narrative-driven Total War experience, which I believe the guys and gals at Creative Assembly could easily pull off.

Total War: Middle Earth – We are yet to see a game where the epicness of Middle-Earth has been realised. Most Middle Earth games have been somewhat lukewarm at best, with others just downright disappointing. Why not give the lore and license to the guys who know how to make a war game happen, and with some major battles such as The Battle at Helms Deep up for a “historic battle”, do you really want to not see this?

Total War: Final Fantasy – This could happen. It really could. Think about it; you have in excess of 13 mainstream games, not counting spinoffs, and entire worlds and lore dedicated to each title. You could use any or more than one as the basis in which to create a cool strategy game. If Final Fantasy tactics can happen, then seriously, why couldn’t this? Chocobos versus Behemoths. I want to see that happen.

Total War: The Three Kingdoms – Koei seem to have the monopoly on this particular period of history, so why not let Sega and Creative Assembly have a go. I’m not saying the Koei games aren’t good, but Sega knows how to market this to a western audience and could integrate things such as multiplayer into the games we really wanted to do well, but didn’t translate brilliantly into the west. Wouldn’t it be great to FINALLY be able to play a strategy game about the Three Kingdoms with multiplayer? Bring it on!

So what would you want to see? Total War: Star Wars? Total War: Hello Kitty? Tell me in the comments below!