First, Twitch bested Pokemon. As we reported on last month, Twitch is still attempting to defeat Dark Souls (although it is in a highly modified format). As of this writing, the Twitch plays Dark Souls stream has been running for over 38 days, with 843 deaths. The game had to be modified to allow incremental pauses to ease out some of the chaos and trolling. Heavy progress has been made (as of this writing, viewers are currently battling the Bed of Chaos boss), and the stream can be found here. A new Twitch challenge has been brought to the table, however, and it goes by the name of Can Twitch Play Fallout 3?

The “Twitch Plays” series uses heavily modded versions of games where the player character is actually controlled by the Twitch chat box. Players input commands, and they in game character responds accordingly. The Can Twitch Play Fallout 3? stream started less than a day ago, and it has yet to make much progress. Generally, when a new “Twitch Plays” series begins, it is rough going for a while. The more people involved with voting on commands, the more chance for chaos and anarchy to exist. The Can Twitch Play Fallout 3 stream is stuck in the opening vault still, trying to learn how to most effectively use their pistol. The alarm is going off, and the game keeps reminding the stream to grab things out of their desk before they leave.
Even though common sense suggests that beating a complex game such as Fallout 3 using only the collective voting power of the Twitch chat is an impossibility, stranger things have happened. Even though the Dark Souls stream had to be modified, few thought beating difficult bosses such and Ornstein and Smough could not be done. Sure enough, it looks like eventually, Dark Souls will fall to the community. Surely Fallout 3 can be beaten as well? Make sure you check out the stream to see the progress of our favorite vault dweller.
Enjoy watching the Twitch community play popular games? How long will it take to over come the wasteland? Any other games you want to see Twitch attempt to beat? Let us know!