Update Now with Official Trailer Unveiled!
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With the release of Uncharted 4 being pushed back from this year to next, there’s been talk around PlayStation’s E3 conference and the reveal of a Uncharted collection. Well eagle eyed NEOGaf users noticed a banner for Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection appearing on the American mobile store front.

The collection contains the PlayStation 3 games, Uncharted, Uncharted 2 & Uncharted 3 from Naughty Dog, rolled into one PS4 HD package. There was no release date for the package but most suspect winter this year. Since the PlayStation’s release in November 2013, Sony have ported a host of titles from PlayStation 3 to PlayStation 4. With God of War 3 HD coming this year and the massive success of Naughty Dog’s own The Last of Us Port, Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection is adding up to be a must buy for PlayStation 4 users. This is a must with the amazing sales figures for the PlayStation 4, and the
Sony have yet to comment on the leak, but Naughty Dog Creative Director Neil Druckmann took to twitter say “Well… that hit a few hours too early. See you in the AM. G’night y’all.”
Do you think this should be the last HD collection? Are you getting anxious for new games as opposed to old ones? Or does the PlayStation need other PlayStation 3 games ported to the wider audience the PS4 has? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
For more info on Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection keep it here at The Nerd Stash. We will also have all the news from PlayStation E3 press conference and all other E3 news.