Jensy Machado is a naturalized Hispanic man who has been living in Washington. While he was driving his car, he was suddenly accosted by two Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. Apparently, the agents were after another Hispanic man who had entered the U.S. illegally. Although Jensy was able to prove that he was a U.S. citizen, the experience made him doubt his decision to vote for Trump during the election.
In the video shared by NBC News, the man explained how he was temporarily detained by two agents. After noticing a police car following him, the Washington man obediently stopped his car and parked at the side of the road. Surprisingly, the two officers parked their car in front of his and then got out, holding guns. They then ordered Machado to exit the car with his hands up.
The Washington man wondered why they weren’t asking for his ID. He even offered to show it to them, but they ignored him and handcuffed him. They then asked how he had entered the country and whether he was waiting for court or had any pending cases. Despite answering truthfully, the two agents didn’t believe Machado’s answers. Only after they finally looked at the man’s ID did they realize they had captured the wrong person.
Machado was able to leave safely and return to his regular life. However, the experience made him doubt his decision to support Trump as his president. “I voted for Trump in the last election, but I thought it was going to the things, you know, like be pointed, like… just go against criminals. Not every illegal looking- I mean Hispanic-looking person, assuming that we are all illegals,” the Washington man said.
No Sympathy Here
Although what Machado experienced was unfortunate and terrible, many felt schadenfreude after hearing about it. “Yep. Serves you right. You literally voted for this,” one Redditor commented.
Many agreed that the Washington man deserved what he got for daring to support Trump during the election. Trump’s dislike toward immigrants is well known, and it’s not surprising that he increased pressure on people like Machado. Yet the fact that a naturalized Hispanic man like Machado still supported Trump confused and frustrated many people.
“Trump wants anyone who looks or sounds like him deported as soon as possible. So he voted for Trump so everyone who looks and sounds like him can be deported. Newsflash: He will probably be deported,” another Redditor said. Safe to say that Machado doesn’t get much sympathy from the Redditors.