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Have you ever looked at those happy-go-lucky bright pink creatures and wondered about what pigs eat in Minecraft? They’re easy to track down in the game, as the pigs are among the common passive mobs. Unless, of course, it turns into a zombified piglin. If you want to domesticate and breed them, they must stay well-fed. We will explain a pig’s diet in Minecraft and help you track down their favorite foods.
What To Feed Pigs in Minecraft

With the incredible number of Minecraft players, it’s no surprise that many are eager to gather pets in the game. Pigs are one of those adorable pets you can have. You can saddle and ride them even if it will be a slow journey. Or, if you’re particularly heartless or just hungry, you can kill them for pork chops.
Either way, pigs are remarkably easy to feed, so you can promptly domesticate them. Once you figure out what pigs in Minecraft eat, you will breed them in no time. Their diet is straightforward and consists of only three food items:
- Beetroots
- Carrots
- Potatoes
When you give pigs a carrot, potato, or beetroot, you can domesticate them. Of course, you want to ensure you have built a solid pen to keep your pigs. Otherwise, they can escape if given room to roam. So, you need a secure place and a supply of food to frequently breed pigs in Minecraft.
To feed the pigs, place one of the food items listed above in your hot bar slot. From there, approach the pig and right-click on it to feed it.
Before you help pigs eat in Minecraft, you must find them. They are not tough to track down. Head for grassy biomes. The only three places you cannot typically find pigs are the following:
- Meadows
- Snowy Plains
- Wooded Badlands
Consider visiting villages as well, as pigs usually spawn there in the backyards of butcher houses, in pens, or inside stables.
How To Find Food for Pigs in Minecraft
Now that you know what pigs like to eat in Minecraft, it’s time to track down some food. All of the food is easy enough to come by. So, you can simply pick the food type you tend to gather more often.
Beetroot Location
An easy way to get beetroots is to head to a village. Check the farmlands to harvest them.
Carrot Location
You can also farm carrots in villages, but their spawn chance isn’t always high. There’s also a chance to have carrots show up as mob loot. So, if you want your easy-going pigs to eat well in Minecraft, battle some zombies or husks.
Potatoe Location
Potatoes are similar to beetroots and carrots; you can harvest them in villages. They have the highest chance of growing in snowy biomes. Potatoes also have a similar chance of dropping when you kill mobs like husks and zombies.
Minecraft: How to Tame an Allay
Minecraft is available to play on PC, PlayStation,