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Traits are a very important addition to your main abilities, as they provide you with good buffs to your characteristics. The right combination of traits will allow you to progress through the game quickly and smoothly. But what are the max trait points in Remnant 2? Let’s break it all down, and provide an overview of how to obtain them all.
How Many Trait Points Can Be Obtained in Remnant 2?

In total, you can get 85 trait points in Remnant 2. But it’s not that simple. It is worth considering that 5 of them are given to you automatically and you cannot influence this. Another 20 are also automatically assigned to the traits of your archetype. As a result, there are 60 trait points left that you can upgrade on your own. Most fans of the game are dissatisfied with such a small selection because, in the first part of the game, they had much more opportunities to pump traits.
Traits are a very important part of the game because without them it will be much harder to defeat enemies and explore the world. Depending on your choice of archetype, you will be able to upgrade the traits that correspond to it, as well as others that are universal for all classes. Traits will provide you with additional buffs for combat, defense, and exploration, which is a good advantage.
How To Get Trait Points in Remnant 2
As we mentioned above, you will have the opportunity to unlock 60 traits and there are many options for how you can do it. Let’s take a look at each of them.
Kill Bosses and Enemies
The first and probably the most obvious method to get trait points in Remnant 2 is to fight the enemies. You can get a significant amount of trait points by killing enemies and bosses as you progress through the game and explore the biomes.
Collecting Tomes of Knowledge
Another relatively easy way to get trait points is to collect Tomes of Knowledge. You can find them anywhere around the world, and you can also get them as a reward for completing an event or defeating a boss. When exploring the world, you will be able to spot them by their blue glow, so be attentive when looking for them.
How to Unlock the Gunslinger Archetype
That’s it for today. Now you know what the max trait points are in Remnant 2 and how to get them. By the way, once you’re done here, feel free to check out our guide on how to solve all Cathedral of Omens puzzles in Remnant 2. Good luck!
Remnant 2 is available on PlayStation 5,