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Baldur’s Gate 3 is the best introduction to Dungeons and Dragons through a gameplay experience, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come with its own questions. One question that might be wracking the minds of many is who is the Guardian in Baldur’s Gate 3 that you need to make during the character creation at the very beginning of the game? The Guardian is a secondary character that you need to make after finishing your main character. However, no explanation is provided for why this must be done.
What Does the Guardian Do in Baldur’s Gate 3?

As explained above, the Guardian is a character that you need to create after you’ve finished creating your main character. It isn’t explained just how this character relates to you as you make them, but it all becomes clear later. It’s important to know that you will never play as or fight against this character, which partly is why you don’t have to choose any stats or even a class for them. In fact, your relationship with the Guardian is purely conversational and doesn’t work for or against you how they look.
How To Get Astarion as a Companion in Baldur’s Gate 3
Realistically, you will want to try to make the Guardian appear in whatever way you want. Since they are only able to speak with you, getting to choose their appearance would really only be in your best interest. It’s also worth noting that this stance does not change despite the fact that the Guardian’s appearance during the early access insinuated that they might be a romantic interest or something along those lines.
It is safe to say now that that is no longer the case. Moreover, your relationship with the Guardian doesn’t take shape by your choices throughout your journey.
How To Find the Guardian in Baldur’s Gate 3

The Guardian will appear to your character in their dreams. You will want to use the Parasite’s Ilithid abilities and then go back to the camp and perform a long rest. After doing this a few times, you’ll see that the Guardian will appear before you. There is also a point in the narrative where the Guardian appears as a plot device, but we’ll leave out spoilers.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is available on PC,