Update for Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem has arrived, and here are all the changes and improvements mentioned in the patch notes. The latest update brings a ton of improvements and bug fixes, along with a single balance update. While none of the changes in the latest update are as major as the addition of the new Infinity Difficulty that was added to the game in the last patch. Here is the complete list of patch notes for update for Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem:

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem Update Patch Notes
- Stings of Krearion has been tuned back down to a more reasonable power level.
- Some environments, such as the Red Wastes, were overrepresented, whilst others were rarely encountered. For enemies, the Cult of Souls faction were the most encountered, whilst the Cult of Fury and Bandits were seen less often.
- The spawn rate of secondary dungeons in eligible Operation types have been updated. Some environments would not spawn a secondary dungeon, and thus deny the player access to a trade shrine and result in a prematurely full inventory. Where appropriate, there should now always be a secondary dungeon available.
- Annihilation Skill Weapon Damage has been increased from 250% to 300%.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the Consequence Reversal Active Skill Modifier for Aether Jump would not remove Crowd Control effects.
- Fixed an issue where the Howl of Battle Active Skill Modifier for Flight of Gaavanir would not generate Rage on Hit if there was only one target.
- Fixed an issue where the Drums and Bells Skill Modifier for Flight of Gaavanir would not grand movement speed to the player.
- Fixed an issue where some elements of the minimap would still be visible when using the map overlay.
- Further improved the detail on Iosonic Rain’s Active Skill Modifier tooltips.
- Fixed an issue where frenzied enemies would break the cardinal rule of entertainment media by attempting to attack the player’s pet dog (or wolf, or tiger, or dragon). You. Do. Not. Hurt. The. Dog.
- Fixed an issue in Phase 1 of the Lambach encounter where the text indicating that the pods should be destroyed would be unhelpfully small.
- Fixed an issue in Game Settings where the “Reset to Default” button would not reset audio volume options.
- Changed the error message displayed when attempting to sell Enneracts to Demetra to be more helpful.
- Fixed an issue in Demetra’s Skill Duplication menu where the selected skill would unintentionally change.
- Fixed an issue where some menus could be opened during cinematics.
- Fixed an issue on gamepad which prevented full navigation of the Skills & Modifiers screen.
Other Fixes
- Fixed an issue where some level 80 versions of the Imbued Legacy of the Willbreaker unique shield had a level requirement of 60.
- Fixed an issue where some level 80 versions of the Imbued Prototype: Deliverance V2 unique weapon had a level requirement of 60.
- Fixed an issue where menus could be unintentionally opened whilst the chat box is open.
- Fixed a series of issues which could arise from kicking a player out of a multiplayer session whilst the joinee was loading in.
- Fixed an instance of missing SFX
- Various Localisation fixes.
- Various crash fixes.
For more information on future updates and patch notes, keep it locked on The Nerd Stash. We have patch notes on other popular games, like Cult of the Lamb and Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed.
Update for Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4,