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There are loads of Traits in Abiotic Factor, both positive and negative, that help to determine what your gameplay will look like. Certain Traits will give you massive advantages while other ones might put you pretty far behind in the game. Knowing which Traits are going to the be most beneficial to you as you traverse the dangerous GATE facility as a Scientist is important, so let’s take a look at the 10 best starting Traits in Abiotic Factor.
10. Inconspicuous

Inconspicuous gives you +2 Sneaking and costs Four Points. While this isn’t always the most useful Trait, it can do much more good than harm when you get to areas of the FATE facility where you will be facing enemies and aliens rather regularly. Sometimes you really just want to be able to step past that doorway without being seen because you don’t have the weapon durability for a fight, or even just because you’re out of Throw Nets, or you just don’t want to fight at the moment. With Inconspicuous as one of your traits, you’ll attract enemy attention twice as slow.
9. Weathered

There are certain areas in the GATE facility that can be pretty hard on your body in terms of temperature. Some areas will be nearly too hot for you to stand, while others will be so cold that you can’t be in them for more than just a couple of seconds. This can pose a pretty big problem, since most of the time these places have some of the more valuable items that you’ll need. The Weathered Trait causes you to be less affected by temperature changes, and costs Three Points.
Abiotic Factor: Hands-On Impressions – Coworkers, Office Chair Races, and Really Tall Enemies8. Buff Brainiac

In Abiotic Factor, carry weight is a bit of a problem. Not only do you have relatively limited inventory space, but if you let your items stacks get too heavy without dropping them off at your base or using them, you’ll be held back pretty hard. Having a Trait like Buff Brainiac can make that quite a bit better for you. Buff Brainiac allows you to carry 15% more weight than any other scientist. Buff Brainiac costs Four Points.
7. Thick Skinned

The Thick Skinned Trait is pretty perfect for any scientist who will be going into battle against the interdimensional entities that now roam the halls of the GATE facility at their leisure. If you’ve spent any time fighting at all, then you probably know how easy it is to receive a bleeding injury, and how devastating those injuries can be to your overall health. With the Thick Skinned Trait, you’ll be 50% less likely to receive a bleeding injury when getting attacked, and it only costs Three Points.
6. Bladder of Steel

You can’t take a road trip without bathroom breaks, right? The same can be said about a mission to save the GATE facility as well. As you make your way through the facility, every time you eat or drink something, your toilet needs increase, until you get extremely uncomfortable and then, well, I’m assuming you can guess what happens after that. The Bladder of Steel Trait help to reduce your Toilet needs by 20% and can be asses onto your character for Two Points. I find this pretty useful because stopping to try to find a bathroom when you’re on the hunt for an alien is honestly so frustrating.
5. Naturally Moist

In Abiotic Factor, one of the biggest problems is your thirst and hunger meters. Given that most of the water and food in the GATE facility is now plagued by high levels of radiation, it’s pretty hard to get your hands on the food and water you need to survive. Luckily, the Naturally Moist Trait allows you to get thirsty 20% slower than others, and costs Four Points. This can be a life saver when you’re in areas where food and water are hard to come by, and it’ll prevent you from having to drink soda instead of water.
4. Self Defense

The Self Defense Trait is one of, if not the best Trait to pick up for improving your combat abilities. When you first start out in the GATE facility, it can be difficult to win fights with makeshift weapons that deal little damage. Luckily the Self Defense Trait means that you have taken the GATE-provided self-defense course, and you now deal +3 damage with all melee weapons, but the Trait is pretty pricey, costing Five Points.
3. Lead Belly

If you have the points for it, the Lead Belly Trait is the upgrade from the Naturally Moist Trait. With Lead Belly, you can drink tainted water without getting sick. This can keep you well-hydrated for much longer periods of time, given that you can collect water from nearly any source and safely drink it. The only issue with Lead Belly, is that it’s quite expensive, costing Eight Points.
2. Light Eater

The Light Eater Trait is very similar to the Naturally Moist Trait, but instead of reducing your water need, it reduces the amount of food you need. This can be pretty helpful, since most of the food you come across in Abiotic Factor can be relatively dangerous to eat, and finding ways to cook it can be pretty difficult. With Light Eater, you require 20% less food than your fellow Scientists do, and it costs Three Points.
1. Wrinkly Brainmeat

Now, some might not agree with me, but Wrinkly Brainmeat is easily the best Trait available. It allows you to gain 20% more Experience Points than normal, which means that even if you can’t get the Traits you want, you can easily put in some extra work and get more skills unlocked in each branch of the skill tree faster. You’ll be able to unlock the various advantages offered for higher skills faster than others will, and it only costs Four Points.
Abiotic Factor is now available in Early Access on PC.