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Web of Wyrd wears its comic book inspirations on its sleeve, and that’s a good thing. Hellboy is a funny and charming character, but he’s not a pushover, and this roguelike brawler shows just how well-prepared he is when violence erupts. The supernatural realm of Wyrd is full of strange and vicious opponents. Fortunately for Big Red, his allies at the Butterfly House have provided him with a variety of weapons and charms to choose from. You can equip one gun and one Charm at a time, and your loadout plays a vital part in how you tackle each procedurally generated world. Here are the best weapons and charms in Hellboy Web of Wyrd, ranked from good to extraordinary.
5. Shotgun
The Shotgun has higher single-target DPS than any other weapon in Hellboy’s arsenal. If all you’re looking to do is dish out as much pain as possible to a single target, there’s no better gun. After all, there’s a reason shotgun builds tend to be so powerful in games. That said, the Shotgun has a couple of drawbacks that prevent it from claiming the top spot. It has a lower ammo count than the Pistol, and frequent reloads can be tough to pull off during a messy fight. Additionally, Shotgun damage scales with distance, being maximally effective at point-blank range. The further your opponent gets from you, the less dangerous the shotgun is.
4. Repel Charm
Unlike most weapons and charms in Hellboy’s arsenal, the Repel Charm isn’t designed to kill. Instead, this unique item creates a shockwave that pushes nearby enemies away. In Web of Wyrd, thoughtful management of space is a key element of your strategy. Though small mobs are weak, they can surround you if you don’t keep them away. The lethality of Big Bads also jumps dramatically if they’re allowed to stay close. Sometimes, the simplest solution is just to clear some space. The Repel Charm allows you to claw your way back from dangerous situations by creating some breathing room. Whether you use that room to reload, reposition, or just clear your head, this is one of the best charms Web of Weird has to offer.
3. Grenade Launcher
The Grenade Launcher trades the single-target damage of the Shotgun and Pistol for something a bit more dramatic: an AoE explosion capable of killing multiple enemies at once. Unsurprisingly, this makes the Grenade Launcher ideal for crowd control, just like it is in Fortnite. Are four mobs coming your way? Not after a shot from this beauty of a weapon. The Grenade Launcher doesn’t have as much DPS potential against a single target, but it still ranks amongst the best weapons and charms. Pairing the Grenade Launcher with the Repel Charm can get great results as you shove everything away from you, clearing your sightline before you let the explosions rain down.
2. Attack Charm
The Attack Charm allows you to slash at enemies with a hefty knife. Compared to the Repel Charm, it’s a strictly offensive weapon that’s all about killing your enemies as fast as possible. The Attack Charm deals damage directly to enemy health, making it one of the best charms in the Web of Wyrd. Even if your opponent is tanking with a mountain of armor, this Charm can make short work of them. That’s a big deal because the game’s bosses all have a significant amount of armor, as do many of the Big Bads. Though you can punch and shoot your way through armor in time, it’s a risk. You often won’t be able to stun them before they’re able to counterattack. Work this into your combos alongside your fists, and watch your success rate skyrocket.
1. Pistol
The Pistol is an unassuming weapon because it’s Hellboy’s first. Though it may not look special, Hellboy’s signature gun is undoubtedly one of the best weapons and charms in Web of Wyrd. There might not be a wide selection of pistols here compared to a game like Cyberpunk, but his signature gun is honestly all Hellboy needs. It has a long range and multiple rounds, but its best feature is its ability to rapidly build the enemy’s stun bar. Though it doesn’t do much actual damage, the Pistol is ideal for stun locking enemies and setting them up for a killing blow with your fists. Wyrd isn’t ready for the pain you’re about to bring.
Hellboy Web of Wyrd is available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5,