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Despite being an MMO, there are many players who just want to crank up some music, delve into a dungeon or some instances, and do every activity solo, provided they have the best jobs for that in FFXIV. With almost 20 jobs in the game and more being added with each expansion, there are some that are versatile enough to carry you through the game without the help of others. While some instances require you to group up, farming in some areas can be done without help, as long as you choose the right job for the, well…job.
The Best Solo-Friendly Jobs in FFXIV
First, we need to clarify that there are only a few instances where you can tackle content solo. Instances like Bozja, Criterion, and Deep Dungeons are excellent for solo play. Content like Trials and Raid can be cleared by oneself if you use the Unsynced function. However, we’ll also focus on things like FATEs, MSQ, and other activities where you can’t be without other players.
6. Scholar

It is usually a bit strange to see a healer class or job as one of the best to do solo things, but the Scholar makes the cut for FFXIV. While it might not have the best damage for things like Palace of the Dead or Heaven on High, it still does wonders for FATEs and places like Bozja and even some Raids with patience. You have passive healing that comes from your fairy and some great buffing skills you can use at any moment. Players might spend a longer time trying to clear some content alone, but it is doable and fun with the many abilities this job has.
5. Dancer

Introduced in Shadowbringers, the Dancer job was one many players ran off to unlock. It is flashy, elegant, and has some of the best glamour in the game. However, what makes it shine so much is its buffing capabilities paired with AoE skills that are great for FATEs and even some Unsynced Raids. It might be a bit RNG-dependent, but once you get those procs, you’ll be razing the battlefield with style. Also, like the Bard, you have an emergency heal, so you can always use that if things get hairy.
4. Reaper

One of the newest kids on the block, the Reaper, appeared in Endwalker and became a favorite and one of the best solo jobs in FFXIV. It has huge DPS capabilities and one of the easiest rotations in the game. Furthermore, it has a great shield with a short cooldown that provides HP regen when things get dicey. You won’t use this a lot for the first MSQ quests, but we’ve seen this is a great job for Deep Dungeons and some of the new Criterion Dungeons. It’s a force to be reckoned with and as edgy as the beloved Dark Knight.
3. Paladin

You knew we’d have to include a tank, and actually, we have two, but let’s start with the Paladin. This is a job we feel has everything, at least in the later levels. It can heal for huge amounts, recover MP, and do physical and magical damage. For solo play, this is ideal if you want to farm Raids like the ones for Anima Weapons. Besides, in places like Bozja, you can just let the job run almost in automatic because you’ll be an unkillable bastion. It starts shining when it reaches Stormblood, but the wait is worth it.
2. Red Mage

The king and queen of the Magical DPS jobs — the Red Mage is a jack-of-all-trades that succeeds in everything it does. You can heal, or rather, double heal due to its passive abilities. The gameplay loop is fun and doesn’t get boring. Red Mages even get a resurrect, which makes it great for any party. However, focusing on solo, this is one of the classes players use to clear the infamous Palace of the Dead. Here, we tried it also for Heaven on High, and so far, it is the job that helped us reach some of the higher floors of this instance.
1. Warrior

The one that takes the crown as the best solo job of FFXIV is the Warrior. When Endwalker launched, it got some crazy leeching skills that made this an indestructible job. Yes, so far, we’ve mentioned stuff that’s been designed for solo play. Yet, we’ve seen players solo some of the newest Treasure Maps, which are designed for groups! It is something incredible to see, and those who know how to use the right Materia and rotation can unleash their inner beast to take any challenge head-on.
Ultimately, FFXIV has become a very solo-friendly MMO, where people feel it’s a JRPG first and a multiplayer game second. This is something fantastic because those with social anxiety or who feel overwhelmed about being in a group can take things at their own pace. Hopefully, the developers at Square Enix will create other fun jobs we can take as lone wolves to explore Eorzea and beyond.