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Baldur’s Gate 3 takes the Dungeons and Dragons rules and runs with them, giving players a multitude of ways to build their character. Skills, spells, racial traits, and more go into making a character exactly who the player wants them to be. Feats are powerful buffs or features the player can add to their character, but you only get a few as you level up. Whether you’re a veteran or this is your first class, the choice of which Feats to take is important. These Feats are among the best in Baldur’s Gate 3, starting with the useful and ending with the extraordinary.
8. Sentinel

When an opponent in melee range strikes a member of your party, a character with Sentinel can use a Reaction, causing a weapon attack that counterstrikes the enemy. Characters with Sentinel also gain Advantage on Attacks of Opportunity, and hitting an enemy with such attacks prevents them from moving for the remainder of their turn. That’s a great trick for any player. Used with tanks or frontline DPS, Sentinel allows the player to punish enemies and control movements in tight spaces. Though it only benefits certain roles, it’s still one of the best Feats.
7. Mage Slayer

Characters with Mage Slayer gain Advantage on Saving Throws when a creature within melee range targets them with a spell. The character with Mage Slayer can also use a reaction to attack the caster, immediately punishing them for the attempt. Enemies you hit this way also take Disadvantage on their Concentration Saving Throws. Shutting down spellcasters is extremely important in Baldur’s Gate 3, especially on higher difficulties. Mage Slayer gives players the tools to do just that.
6. Elemental Adept

Spells can deal incredible damage. The problem is that many enemies have Resistance to some types of damage, massively reducing the effectiveness of casters. Elemental Adept solves that problem by allowing a character’s spells to ignore Resistance to a damage source of the player’s choice, be it Acid, Cold, Lightning, Fire, or Thunder. In addition, the caster cannot roll a 1 when casting spells of that type. This combination of effects makes specializing in one or two damage types much more viable since even enemies who would normally be Resistant to your fire-focused Wizard will start hating your Fireballs. No wonder this is one of the best Feats.
5. Mobile

Mobile increases the character’s movement speed by 3m and eliminates the speed penalty caused by difficult terrain whenever Dashing. As an added bonus, moving after making a melee attack no longer provokes Attacks of Opportunity. Positioning on the battlefield matters for every character, be they a Fighter rushing to the middle of the fray or a Cleric scrambling to escape from a charging Ogre. For players stuck on what Feat to pick, Mobile is always a safe option because no matter who gets it, this Feat will always pay off.
4. Savage Attacker

Savage Attacker is as useful as it is simple. When making weapon attacks, the player rolls their damage dice twice and takes the highest result. This is the damage dice equivalent of having permanent Advantage. This Feat effectively increases the player’s average damage over the course of a battle and reduces the frequency of poor rolls. When a Fighter is rolling for 7-21 points of damage, seeing a 7 pop-up is painful. For its ability to passively improve the average DPS of every melee character, Savage Attacker ranks amongst the best Feats in Baldur’s Gate 3.
3. Dual Wielder

What’s cooler than one sword? Two swords. Thanks to the developer, that’s an option. There’s something simple and satisfying about dual-wielding, but being able to effectively use two weapons at once isn’t easy. Characters who do so without adequate preparation take considerable penalties. Dual Wielder solves this by allowing the character to use two-weapon fighting even with weapons that aren’t Light. It also grants a +1 bonus to AC while wielding a melee weapon in each hand. Unfortunately, the character still can’t dual-wield Heavy weapons.
2. Lucky

In Baldur’s Gate 2, like Dungeons and Dragons before it, so much hinges on the roll of the dice. With RNG playing a massive role in outcomes, it’s normal to sometimes rage against one’s own luck. Lucky provides a mechanical solution, granting the player 3 Luck Points. The player can spend a Luck Point to gain Advantage on a Saving Throw, Ability Check, or attack. Alternatively, the player can spend a Luck Point to force an enemy to reroll an attack. Resting refreshes Luck Points, so the player is never without their scale-tipping Feat for long.
1. Tough

Tough is one of the simplest Feats in the game and also one of the most powerful. This Feat increases the character’s Hit Point maximum by 2 for each level. A couple of HP at level one doesn’t hurt, and 24 extra by the time the player hits the level cap doesn’t hurt either. On paper, tough makes the most sense in tanks, allowing meat shields to do a bit more shielding before they collapse. That said, every character benefits from the increased survivability that Tough provides. For its versatility and usefulness at every difficulty level, Tough is easily one of the best Feats in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is available now for PC, PS5, and