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Matt Walsh’s What Is a Woman? has recently received an acknowledgment from Twitter CEO Elon Musk. The billionaire owner took the bold step of promoting the production, which throws into question many elements of the transgender movement. Unsurprisingly, Twitter has since seen an outcry of responses, and the documentary is suddenly pursed on the lips of many. So, what is Walsh’s documentary all about, and what is all the controversy that has seen #WhatIsAWoman trend on Twitter? Let’s dive in.
Matt Walsh’s What Is a Woman Documentary Explained
Walsh’s What Is a Woman documentary is about journalist Matt Walsh’s desire to seek answers on tough issues surrounding transgenderism. He sets out to explore the dynamics of the female gender, offering only one simple explanation in the scenes that followed— nature’s truth about how a woman is defined. Despite his obvious stance on the issue, Walsh does not rely on his convictions, but rather, he compiles facts from professionals in different fields.
Examples include Gert Comfrey, a gender-affirming therapist. Comfrey’s theory is that a person should never be told what they cannot be, especially by society. She referenced how society was made to shrink individuals into a box with expectations after the doctors assign sexes or gender following birth. Even though such an assignment is based on merely looking at the genitalia— that is not enough. The therapist, though with the physical attributes of a woman, refused to define a woman. The reason was simple: she did not see herself as one, and could not answer.
When Walsh hit the streets of New York to find out what a woman was? Shockingly there were varied answers. A group of women (born women) giggled and could not give a clear-cut answer. They even echoed that it was a tough question. An aged woman, meanwhile, found it interesting to define a woman. She told Walsh being pretty and delicate makes one a woman, and agreed that a man can be a woman with such features. A young man who in support of the transgender ideology simply put “I honestly don’t know” when asked the question.
Doctor Marcil Bowers, a prominent sex change surgery expert, and gynecologist who identifies as a woman with a transgender history gave a broader view. Bowers claimed the physical attributes of a woman make up the definition of a woman as long as it matches her gender identity.
The Transgender Community vs. What is a Woman Documentary on Twitter
Traveling around the country from Boston to Hollywood, New York, and even stepping foot inside an American University did not provide Walsh with a convincing answer. If anything, it made him more confused as he wondered how difficult it had become to differentiate between truth and false, especially when adults are leaving kids to decide such issues related to their gender.
In Matt Walsh’s What Is a Woman documentary he completely disagrees with what the transgender community settles on as the truth. He sides with nature’s truth, which is the biological makeup of a person as their gender — as opposed to what one simply feels is their gender.
Walsh affirms that feeling a type of way can lead to future regret, plus it does not guarantee one’s true essence, irrespective of how confusing gender and sex are to understand. The transgender community believes this to be false, and the documentary showcases how hostile they are to those who feel the opposite.
For example, according to an athlete who preferred to stay anonymous for fear of cancel culture, she claimed trans women competing in sports has undermined the strength of hardworking real female athletes. Along with that, in their school, nobody is allowed to complain—if they do, their lives might be over— in the school and the outside world.
What is a Woman’s Twitter Trend
Following Musk’s tweet, a sea of Twitter users watched and flooded the app, airing their views on What is a Woman? The reviews spotlighted comments from people who agreed with Musk. Most of the commenters had also taken time to watch every scene in Matt Walsh’s What Is a Woman documentary.
A handful of reviews concurred that the world was in a confused state, and like Musk said, it was time for parents to have a clearer view of things. The commenters praised Matt Walsh’s efforts in the documentary, declaring that people who labeled it transphobic are merely critics who have not watched it. A few viewers backed up Walsh claiming he never really leaned to any side of the divide. Some bashed the alleged specialists on their answers and pinpointed the confusion on their faces when being grilled by Walsh.
In any case, it’s important to understand that the documentary is definitely conveyed through the lens of someone (Walsh) firmly against the idea that gender is anything other than another word for sex.
That wraps up everything there is to know about what Matt Walsh’s What is a Woman? documentary is about, and what the controversy that has seen #WhatIsAWoman trend on Twitter.