As with most other games, there are loads of collectible locations in SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake, like the ones that hold Fortune Cookies. When you visit Shady Shoals and speak to the nurse, she’ll tell you about the fact that she needs a bit of help. After you finish up the Karate Downtown Bikini Bottom World, you can speak with the nurse, and she’ll ask you to find some fortune cookies for the residents at Shady Shoals. Luckily for you, there are seven fortune cookies right in Karate Downtown Bikini Bottom, so you gotta head right back in. Keep reading to learn about all fortune cookie locations in SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake.

SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake – All Fortune Cookie Locations
- Fortune Cookie #1
- This Fortune Cookie can be found after you head in through the red carpet area
- Turn to your left-hand side, then look up to see the first Fortune Cookie
- You can get the cookie by using the orange trailer to jump up to it
- Fortune Cookie #2
- The second Fortune cookie can be found on top of a table as soon as you reach the Backlot checkpoint
- Fortune Cookie #3
- This Fortune Cookie can be found in the first filming section of the world, where you can see the camera’s angle change regularly, and the screen moves quite a bit
- After the screen stops moving, then begins again, look around to find the cage that it is inside
- Since the Fortune Cookie is blocked into the cage by a box, you’ll have to break the box, then head inside to snatch up the cookie before the screen reaches you
- Fortune Cookie #4
- After you’ve finished filming, head into the back alley and look for a specific dumpster
- The dumpster closest to the middle of the area has the Fortune Cookie inside of it
- To open the dumpster, you’ll have to hit it with a spinning attack
- Fortune Cookie #5
- Eventually, you’ll make your way to Paparazzi Street
- If you look down the street, you will see the Fortune Cookie sitting on top of a picnic table
- Fortune Cookie #6
- This Fortune Cookie is basically given to you
- After you hop back out of the manhole in the middle of the street, the Fortune Cookie will be right in front of you, making it impossible to miss
- Fortune Cookie #7
- The Final Fortune Cookie can be found outside of the Dojo Estate
All Spot Hiding Places in SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake
This is everything you need to know in order to find all Fortune Cookie locations in SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake. Be sure to check back for more useful and interesting guides, and as always, be safe and have fun!