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After progressing through Blue Creek Apartments in the Silent Hill 2 remake, James Sunderland will be tasked with making his way through Brookhaven Hospital. Here, you’ll come across an elevator quiz, much like in the original 2001 classic. The questions and answers this time around are a little bit different, however. So, for those wondering about what the Silent Hill 2 remake trick or treat answers are, here’s everything you need to know.
Silent Hill 2 Remake Trick or Treat Answers
Once you acquire the -1 Elevator Button and use the Elevator, you’ll be greeted with a jovial quiz master who asks you three different questions. There’s no way of answering the questions in the moment. Instead, you’ll have to wait a little bit before you can access the Pharmacy so that you can input your answers into the Decorative Box. This happens shortly after you obtain the Lead Ring.

Trick or Treat Answer 1
Question: In the early 1800s a terrible disease spread across Silent Hill, resulting in the death of many of its inhabitants. Their bodies thrown into the lake to sleep forever in their water grave. How many souls were lost during the plague?
Answer: 67 (2)
Trick or Treat Answer 2
Question: Follow Sanders Street heading East and further on, to the outskirts of town. One – and only one – road will take you towards the lumber yard and the cemetery. What is the name of that road?
Answer: Wiltse Road (3)
Trick or Treat Answer 3
Question: Silent Hill witnessed a gruesome murder some years back. A brother and sister were playing in the road when they were attacked and chopped into pieces with an axe. Torn flesh, smashed bones, splattered blood… What a terrible tragedy. What a gruesome end to such innocent lives. One of the victims was a local boy named Billy Locane. BUT… what was the name of the other victim, Billy’s sister?
Answer: Miriam (1)
Where is the Decorative Box in the Silent Hill 2 Remake?
Specifically, the Decorative Box can be found in the Pharmacy on 1F in Brookhaven Hospital, just west of the Dayroom. We’ve marked the exact position on the map below:

What Rewards Do You Get and Is It Worth It?
Upon answering the questions and opening the box, players will find the following items:
- 5 x Shotgun Shells
- 2 x Syringes
While these items aren’t exactly game-changers, they are worth it as they’re essentially free to obtain — once you know the answers, of course. The Shotgun Shells are particularly useful for one-shotting Nurses up close, which usually take quite a few handgun bullets to put down. Meanwhile, the Syringes fully heal you, so are effective when you’re super low on health and the edge of your screen is glowing red (similar to the image above).