We all probably saw this one coming; a Kickstarter for Quantum Chess is now under development. Based on the hysterical, short film, “Can You Quantum?” featuring Stephen Hawkings, Paul Rudd, and Keanu Reeves, The developer, Chris Cantwell, came up with the idea Quantum Chess two years ago and has been trying to perfect the game mechanics and operation through making Quantum Physics easier to understand.
Quantum Chess game mechanics work under the influence of original chess except move adding a Quantum effect, or Quantum Move, an ability to power pieces on the board. A Quantum move would set up certain strategies by splitting up the two power pieces, creating more opportunities for winning a match. To conquer the board, each player would have to eliminate the King piece rather than killing it or calling out, “Checkmate.”
With 28 or so days to be funded, the Kickstarter for Quantum Chess hopes to achieve a $30,000 mark. Any additional funds exceeding the $30,000 goal would help toward certain perks including Online/LAN mode and cross-platforms – mobile devices or
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hi0BzqV_b44[/embedyt]