In Conan Exiles, getting the next armor tier involves you getting a resource called Thick…
Author: Andrew Vaughan

Andrew is a man of many talents and has been playing games for decades. He has a great love for Diablo-style RPGs and C&C style RTS. He specializes in writing guides. follow him on Twitter at @HighwaymanSlade.
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Stories By Andrew Vaughan
In Crusader Kings 3, wars are going to take up most of your time due…
The Bizarre in Wasteland 3 is home to some of the wasteland’s finest merchants and…
In Conan Exiles, Steel is the next item tier above Iron but is also tedious…
A Crusader Kings 3 player can have vast ambitions of conquest and come close to…
Making mistakes when creating or leveling up your squad members in Wasteland 3 can be…
In the vast open winter wonderland that is Wasteland 3, there are quite a few…
Howdy Rangers, the glorious day is now upon us; the long-awaited Wasteland 3, the sequel…
Curious Expedition 2 has just been named winner of the “Best Indie Game” category for…