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Failing to properly organize your inventory and learn the game’s mechanics is a surefire way to lose in Backpack Battles, as no matter how high-tier your items may be, you will only be able to awaken the best in them by making sure they fit your build and work in unison. But that’s easier said than done, right? To guide you through it, here’s a few tips and tricks sure to take you to the top in Backpack Battles.
1. Pick Your Character Wisely

A given for some, it’s important to point out that every one of the playable characters in the game has their own strengths. The Reaper, for example, shines in debuff-focused builds, while the Berserker is a match made in heaven for tank builds focused on dealing massive damage and staying firm. All classes will also have access to five exclusive subclasses focused on empowering certain aspects of their kits. You can check out a guide featuring all of the subclasses in Backpack Battles by clicking here.
Keep in mind that this does not mean each character can only be played in certain ways, as the game features a wide array of universal items. How effective your chosen items will prove to be in the late rounds, however, will be entirely dependent on your subclass and build.
2. You Don’t Have To Combine Every Item

Combining items is one of the cornerstones of the Backpack Battles experience. But that does not mean you should do so without consideration, as saving specific items can allow you to take your damage to a whole new level once the shop resets. For example, it is highly advised that those using Vampirism builds prioritize using their Blood Amulets in the creation of at least one pair of Vampiric Gloves.
Backpack Battles Guide: How to Lock Items
You can lock items in Backpack Battles by right-clicking while over them. I highly recommend that you do so often, as locking the right items will stop you from mistakenly fusing them, as well as allow you to get the right combination when putting multiple compatible items next to one another.
3. Mind Your Stamina Usage

Think with me, what is the point of having multiple weapons if you cannot use them effectively? True to that, I recommend that you don’t go overboard with stamina-demanding weapons — especially in the late-game — as zeroing your stamina and having to wait for it to refill before each attack will both massively lower your DPS and make you an easy target.
The only time I recommend going to battle with High Stamina Usage is when using the Berserker and carrying a good deal of both Pets or Stamina refreshing potions.
4. Coin is Power

Coin is maybe the most vital resource in Backpack Battles, as you must use it to unlock 99% of the items you can take to battle, as well as to refresh the store for new picks. True to that, knowing how to manage your gains will help you have enough to purchase the higher tier items that will be appearing in the store during either the latter rounds or once you reach Survival Mode at no drawback.
Backpack Battles Guide: How to Farm Money
You can increase the amount of coins earned per match by making use of Piggybanks. Investing in on-sale items (even if you won’t use them) and then reselling them later on is also a good way to make sure you will have enough coins for some of the game’s best (but deservedly expensive) unique items.
5. There’s no Shame in Losing (In Fact, Learn From It)

In the last in our series of Backpack Battles tips, you must get as comfortable as possible with the idea of losing when playing, as the game’s PVP focus will mean you are very likely to face multiple builds capable of countering you during a run. But there’s no need to look at the prospect of defeat in a completely negative way, as losing a match can also be a great opportunity to learn what works, as well as get a front-roll seat at some of the meta builds.
In other words, if you want to get good in the game, make sure to pay close attention to your opponents, even in defeat.
Now that you know a few handy tips sure to help you improve in Backpack Battles, don’t forget to also check out the game’s Best Cursed Dagger Reaper Build.
You can currently play Backpack Battles on PC, via Steam.