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Genshin Impact 4.0 is off to a strong start, captivating fans with the new Fontaine region. With so much new content, players have been pursuing their usual Genshin grinds. As a whole, this patch has been very strong, showing that Genshin still hasn’t lost its touch after so many years. However, some less-than-stellar parts of the new expansion leave players wanting more. Whether it’s weird layouts or shorter quests, some elements of Fontaine aren’t nearly as strong as previous patches. To keep an even balance, here are five of the best and 5 of the worst things about Genshin Impact 4.0.
Good: The Fontaine Region

One of the best parts of any new major patch cycle is the region. With Genshin Impact 4.0, the Fontaine region is one of the best things about the patch so far. The region’s aesthetic style and breathtaking locations are a delight to explore. Additionally, although it can appear small at first, the zones contain quite the verticality, especially with underwater traversal now available. Plus, the region has so much more potential to grow, like the Sumeru Region.
Bad: The Arkhe System

While each region has its gimmicks and mechanics, some tend to be stronger than others. The Arkhe System is one of the weaker mechanics added and one of the worst things in Genshin Impact 4.0. The mechanic itself amounts to finding the opposite energy source and causing them to clash. This mechanic is tedious since you must locate both the energy source and a place to use it. In the end, it becomes a frustrating hunt for hard-to-spot glowing orbs.
Good: Underwater Exploration

Since the beginning of Genshin Impact, one major mechanic has always been missing. When swimming, players were only allowed to explore the surface of the water, leaving anything below inaccessible. Now, players can dive under the water to explore new and beautiful zones. This helps increase the map size overall and provides a ton of new content. As far as mechanics are concerned, diving is one of the best introduced in Genshin Impact 4.0.
Bad: Large File Size

Though this complaint is on the smaller side, the file size of the newest patch was larger than expected. Taking up just around 32 GB, this is almost double Genshin 3.0’s 18 GB. While there’s little to critique in this patch overall, dealing with the massive download and installation wait is one of the worst things about Genshin Impact 4.0.
Good: New Characters

Already, looking at the new characters in Genshin Impact 4.0, it’s easy to see a lot of work was put into them. As far as characters go, these are some of the most unique characters we have seen so far. With Lyney and Lynette already here and more coming soon, it’s great seeing so many wonderful new characters joining the roster.
Bad: Water Navigation Can Be Tedious

Being the Hydro region, Fontaine is filled with its fair share of water. Though this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, navigating the subaquatic areas can be challenging. The Waverider helps a bit with this but can be difficult to control. Nevertheless, navigating through the water is required to explore the zones beneath the surface. This makes one of the worst things about Genshin Impact 4.0 a necessary evil.
Good: Strong Archon Quest Story

The story of Genshin Impact has been slowly ramping up over its lifetime. Compared to the smaller stories of Mondstadt, modern iterations of the Archon Quest are much more interesting and developed. Genshin Impact 4.0’s story is one of the best parts of the patch, due to some impactful moments, like the trial sequence, as well as a fairly shocking and dramatic death.
Bad: Short Archon Quest

However, much like the zone itself, the Archon Quest is a bit on the shorter side. With only two chapters available, some active players were able to power through the patch quickly. While this may seem like a bad thing, taking your time and not skipping the story should help draw things out. Still, this is sadly one of the worst things about Genshin Impact 4.0.
Good: The Music Is As Good As Ever

Genshin Impact has always had a solid musical score. Despite being in the background more often than not, many memorable moments are made in the game by the music. Fontaine’s tracks perfectly capture the atmosphere of the region with elegant, playful, and mysterious melodies. This new soundtrack may be some of the best music not just in Genshin Impact 4.0 but in the game as a whole.
Bad: Old Mechanics Are Left Behind

Although this happens every patch, it’s always sad to see previous mechanics replaced with new ones. This is especially true since the Sumeru region had some very fun mechanics, like manipulating flower growth and bouncing on mushrooms. In the end, although it’s necessary to move on, losing these engaging mechanics is one of Genshin Impact 4.0’s worst aspects.