Whether you’re traveling through the countryside of the Grasslands, or the rough cliffside of Cosmo Canyon, your party members matter. True to its source material, you’re able to travel alongside Yuffie, Tifa, Aerith, and more in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Each party member has their unique abilities and, Limit Breaks, spells, and more, making some better in battle than others. I definitely know which members I used the most, regardless of whether or not they actually helped me in battle.
Ranking Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Party Members

The way I see it, the best party members in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth in a ranked order are:
- S-Tier
- Yuffie
- Red XIII
- A-Tier
- Barret
- Cait Sith
- B-Tier
- Tifa
- C-Tier
- Aerith

Red XIII – Red is incredibly fast in battle and also has the ability to get up close to flying enemies. One ability in particular, Sidewinder, lets him jump in the air and strike down enemies from above. He natively has the Bio spell, allowing him to poison enemies, though I didn’t use that as much as his abilities. I am also a huge fan of his Ifrit summon, which is available to use from the very beginning of the game.
Yuffie – I’ll be the first to admit that Yuffie is an obnoxious character. I quite literally searched for a way to lower her volume while we traveled anywhere in the overworld. I can only take so much of her Chocobo song. However, in battle, she’s fast and hits hard. Pressing triangle throws her shuriken at the enemy and pressing it again flings her towards it to retrieve it. In battles where I needed to get high up, using her was a lifesaver. She also comes natively with the Art of War and Elemental Ninjutsu abilities to kick things into a higher gear.

Barret – I had to put Barret in the A-Tier because I felt that he had great range but incredibly weak attacks. His Overcharge lets you fire several shots at the enemy, but it takes a while to reach that point. I also enjoy using Maximum Fury when I have three ATB charges, but it still doesn’t help in most situations where you can have Yuffie and Red in your party instead. I tended to use Barret as a backup in battle to deal damage on the side while building his ATB and delivering potions to everyone else.
Cait Sith – Cait is more his moogle than a fighter. He’s using a megaphone to bop enemies while waiting for his ATB to ruse enough to use the Let’s Ride ability. The moogle can kick enemies while also waiting to build enough ATB for the Dodge n Dive ability. Because it fills the AT gauge when done successfully, I found it pretty useful. His Roll o’ the Dice ability is also pretty fun when you’re feeling a bit like taunting the enemy. I didn’t use it too much unless I was curious as to what the dice would tell me.

Tifa – Tifa is in the B-tier because I didn’t feel as though she was useful enough to really switch to. Granted, her Synergy Skills, like the Soaring Flurry or Heavenly Ascent, have been useful in battle. I was also a big fan of her Relentless Rush and Synchro Cyclonic Kick in battle. Her biggest asset was absolutely the synergy she has with other party members, but I also tended to use her as a backup for which to supply my other party members with healing potions.

Aerith – I was not a fan of Aerith at all. Her biggest strength is her range, but that’s where the line is drawn. Her Limit, Healing Wind, provided little help in battle, making it pretty useless in most cases. It could also be a bias, but I didn’t enjoy the way she would dodge in battle, making it seem pointless to do so at all. In most battles where she was set to my party, I exclusively used her to restore HP to my allies or to engage in Synergy Skills or Abilities with other party members.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is available now on the PS5.