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Call of Duty: Warzone and MW2‘s meta change every single Season and sometimes even a small update might buff or nerf the weapons in the game. The same blueprint is also used for the Warzone Season 6, and that means your old loadouts might not be useful anymore after the recent changes. So far, the Lachmann brothers are doing much less than it was expected from them, and the Kastovs are just “good” and nothing more. Now, let’s see what the real best Warzone Season 6 meta loadout looks like.
Best Warzone Season 6 Loadout Weapons

- Barrel: Schlager RV-B
- Muzzle: Singuard MKV
- Underbarrel: Phase-3 Grip
- Magazine: 60 Round Mag
- Optic: Aim OP-V4

Lockwood 300
- Muzzle: Bryson Series IX Choke
- Barrel: Matuzek 812 Barrel
- Laser: Schalger Ulo-66 Laser
- Stock: Heist Stock Mod
- Trigger Action: Maelstorm Dual Trigger
Starting in Season 6, players noticed that there’s a new attachment added for Lockwood 300. The Locky shotgun wasn’t the meta in any previous Warzone or MW2 Seasons. However, players could get two tap kills with it, due to Lockwood 300 not being a pump-action shotgun. However, what happens if you could shoot two rounds with one trigger action with Lockwood 300? That’s what the new attachment unlocks for this weapon.
The Dual Trigger attachment is breaking the game’s meta in Warzone 2 and also MW2, making players able to literally one-shot anyone. And the most interesting point about it is that if you put Slug ammunition on the Lockwood 300, it’ll one-shot headshot enemies in mid and long-range! A shotgun is doing a roll that sniper rifles can’t in Warzone 2; so logical it is.
Now while Lockwood 300 definitely has its spot in the best meta Warzone Season 6 loadout, you still need to pick another weapon beside it. Our pick of the month here is the Vel-46. Good old MP7 never fails to deliver a high damage, mobility, and fire rate. Hence we chose this SMG to be a side-kick for Lockwood 300. Use the Vel-46 build above, and you’re good to leave the weapons department in our best Warzone Season 6 loadout here.
Perks And Equipment

- Overkill
- Battle Hardened/Tracker
- Fast Hands
- Quick Fix/High Alert

Lethal and Tactical:
- Throwing Knife
- Smoke Grenade
First of all, you should know that pistols are still nerfed in Season 6. Melee weapons are also not the best option to use in Warzone; better be picked in MW2 instead. That’s why having the Overkill perk for the best Warzone Season 6 loadout is a necessary thing. After that, pick the Battle Hardened perk, especially if you play the Resurgence mode. This perk will make you resistant to Stun Grenades and Flashbangs, which are the bread and butter for close-range combats in Ashika Island and Vondel building’s stairs.
For the next perk, definitely go for the Fast Hands for the best Warzone Season 6 loadout. Other third-stage perks are not even close to what Fast Hands has to offer, which are faster reloads and throws. For the final perk, however, choose Quick Fix if you want to play the Resurgence mode, and pick High Alert for Battle Royal.
The Quick Fix perk is the best option for engaging combats that you’ll have to take on more than one opponent. This perk will help you regenerate your health after killing the first target. This is while the High Alert perk shows you if an enemy is aiming at you from the sides with an indicator on the screen. There’s also the Ghost perk for the final slot as well, but you can just find a Stealth Vest in the game and become undetected by enemy UAVs.
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In the end, pick the Throwing Knife lethal and Smoke Grenade tactical equipment to finalize the best Warzone Season 6 loadout. In a game where grenades and explosives do the least damage to enemies and players that have the Bomb Squad perk, the Throwing Knife becomes man’s best friend. It’ll help you finish the knocked opponents with one click, and one shot targets easily but hitting their upper body.
In the tactical equipment options of Warzone, however, none can challenge the Smoke Grenade. Stuns and Flashbang grenades are easily subdued by the Battle Hardened perk. Snapshots are also as useless as adding them to the game ever was. Smoke Grenades, on the other hand, are simple and perfect for reviving teammates, rushes, and escapes.
Here is a quick summary of the best things to use in the season six meta.
- Weapons: Lockwood 300 & Vel-46
- Perks: Battle Hardened/Tracker, Overkill, Fast Hands, and Quick Fix/High Alert
- Equipment: Throwing Knife & Smoke Grenade
Call of Duty: Warzone and MW2 are currently available to play.