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Remnant 2 is an intense game full of enemies every step of the way and a boss waiting in every dark corner. Each player must make do with only what is available at the time to advance and upgrade their equipment. Remnant 2 helps us with the best weapons, incredible attacks, and unique effects with its Weapon Mods. If the enemies are lethal, you will become deadlier by combining a machine gun with a Mod that creates a whirlwind of fire. The possibilities are unlimited, so it’s up to the enemies to run for their lives.
5. Cube Shield

The Cube Gun is a Handgun equipped by default with the Cube Shield Mod. If you want to get this weapon as the Mod, you must defeat the Labyrinth Sentinel in the maze between worlds. The Cube Gun is very useful as it has infinite bullets, although it has 5 charges that regenerate over time; just be careful as it has overheated. The Mod will protect you from attacks for a limited time. Maybe it’s not so helpful in the late game when you’ve mastered the ambushes, but for me, it’s vital against bosses.
The downside about this weapon, and, consequently, its Mod, is that the DPS isn’t great. However, it is an excellent choice for those who’ve started playing the game and are going through the campaign. Yet, as soon as you start any of the DLCs, you should replace this with a better one.
4. Fargazer

With the material from the Legion boss, The Twisted Chantry in Yaesha, you can get one of the best and most effective Mods in Remnant, even against other bosses. This Mod does not belong to a specific weapon, so you can equip it on your gun of choice. The really cool thing about this Weapon Mod is that it casts an eye of Legion at the player’s target range and applies the Madness Status. You will see the enemy’s HP bar decrease rapidly; the best thing is that you can use it up to 25m. So if you’re fighting one of those bosses that stay in the distance and aren’t that fast, this is the Mod for you.
If paired with a build that relies on status ailments, this could be an extremely powerful Weapon Mod to have in Remnant 2 and one of the best. However, it is quite situational, and you might have to tweak your build considerably to make it work.
3. Helix

If you already visited N’Erud and defeated the Astropath boss, you already have the materials to create another one of the best Weapon Mods in Remnant 2. The Helix is an excellent addition to your build for both boss fights and against multiple enemies simultaneously. This Mod is amazing for how it attacks and the damage it inflicts because when you shoot the projectile, it fragments into multiple pieces that also attack the enemy, and each one does additional damage.
The Helix mod is one that fits almost every build and is great in most of the game’s modes. During the new Boss Rush Mode, you’ll get hordes of enemies before jumping into boss fights, so using this Mod can be a great strategy to clear those groups faster. However, when going against one enemy, it might not shine a lot.
2. Skewer

To defeat the Venom boss in Root Earth and get the material needed to create this Mod, you must advance quite a bit in the story to get to Root Earth. But trust me; it is a fantastic mod if you know how to combine melee and ranged combat to deal lethal damage to enemies tactically. This Mod will do maximum damage because when you shoot it at the enemy, they will instantly grow branches full of spikes, quickly depleting their HP.
However, this Mod has a limited range as you need to be within 3m of your target. Another thing to keep in mind is that this Mod is great against groups of enemies or when going face-to-face with just one boss. It might not do a lot of damage, but in certain boss fights where more enemies spawn, this Mod will take care of everything.
1. Whirlwind

Whirlwind is a Spectral Blade Mod and can only be used with this Melee Weapon. You can get the materials to craft this blade by defeating Sha’Hala, the Sectral Guardian of N’Erud, located in the Sentinel’s Keep. Getting to this boss is tricky but worth all the trouble in the world as Whirlind creates strong wind slashes that strike enemies at a range of 8m. It is a powerful Mod as it is advantageous when dealing with waves of enemies around you, and its weapon is versatile.
However, I only recommend this one for melee builds, as it only occurs when doing a backstep. There are certain items that allow you to buff your melee weapon’s third hit, so doing a combo of three hits and then a back step plus Whirlwind is quite destructive and works against solo targets and groups of enemies.
You must also consider your Archetypes, the class you have of each, and your armor. You can create all kinds of builds and strategies due to the fact that there are approximately 60 Weapon Mods in the base game alone and many more and better in the Remnant 2 DLC. So, the limit is your creativity and how many items you can find. Also, the Prism, amulets, and rings are a part that will play a lot in your favor; take advantage of them.