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Bringing the right vehicle matters as much in Expeditions as it does in Forza, although you won’t be driving a Ferrari through the swamps. Bring the wrong ride, and you’ll find yourself trapped in mud or plummeting over the edge of a cliff. Arizona and the Carpathians offer significant challenges in Expeditions, but they’re nothing you can’t handle with the right scout or off-roader. Though your options are limited when you’re still building your bank account in Saber Interactive‘s open-world game, the game’s starting vehicles provide a solid platform upon which to build. Here are the best starting vehicles in Expeditions: A MudRunner Game.
5. Cotco Canyon SR-i

- Power: B-
- Strength: B-
- Fuel Consumption: A+
- Inventory Space: 4 slots
- Extra Cargo Room: No
The Cotco Canyon SR-i is a small and light scout-class vehicle, with all the pros and cons that entails. Its excellent fuel consumption makes it ideal for long trips, whether you’re delivering equipment to multiple stations or you need to reach 100% exploration on a new map. The Cotco’s small size makes it easy to maneuver through tight treelines and crevasses, but it struggles with mud due to its lackluster strength. Considering it has little inventory space to start with and an Anchor is almost mandatory, the Cotco Canyon SR-i is a niche pick and probably won’t rank alongside Need for Speed‘s iconic rides.
4. DON 71

- Power: B-
- Strength: B-
- Fuel Consumption: S
- Inventory Space: 3 slots
- Extra Cargo Room: No
While it boasts the same power and strength as the Cotco, the DON 71 earns an incredible S for fuel consumption. That makes it the undisputed king of early-game exploration when you don’t have the funds to customize your rides or invest in a new vehicle altogether, already marking it as one of the best starting vehicles in Expeditions. The loss of a cargo slot leaves the DON 71 with only three, and while that rules it out for multi-package hauling jobs, that’s not where this scout shines anyway. It has just enough inventory space for Jacks and Anchors, which should be enough to get it out of any trouble it gets into.
3. Step 310E

- Power: A-
- Strength: B
- Fuel Consumption: B+
- Inventory Space: 7 slots
- Extra Cargo Room: Yes
The Step 310E has seven inventory slots as well as additional cargo space on the flatbed, ensuring you’ll always have room for whatever you want to haul. Whether you’re loading it up pre-expedition with specialist seismic equipment or using it to scavenge wrecks you find littered across the map, the 310E won’t disappoint. It also has more strength and considerably more power than the scouts, allowing this off-roader to take harder impacts and haul itself up rougher slopes. All that comes at a cost, of course, and here it’s all the extra fuel you’ll burn.
2. TUZ 16 Actaeon

- Power: A-
- Strength: B
- Fuel Consumption: A-
- Inventory Space: 6 slots
- Extra Cargo Room: Yes
The TUZ 16 Actaeon has superior fuel consumption to the Step 310E while matching it in both power and strength. The cost of a single inventory slot is negligible since on most expeditions you’re more likely to burn through your gas than you are to run out of inventory space. If the current expedition doesn’t require you to fill your flatbed with specialist equipment, you can toss some extra gas and parts on board to turn this off-roader into a long-distance hauling beast. With that in mind, it’s easy to see why the TUZ 16 Actaeon is one of the best vehicles in Expeditions.
1. Loadstar 1700 SE

- Power: A+
- Strength: B
- Fuel Consumption: A-
- Inventory Space: 6 slots
- Extra Cargo Room: No
The Loadstar 1700 SE is easily one of the best starting vehicles in Expeditions, for several reasons. Yes, you’re sacrificing the extra cargo space that the Actaeon and 310E take for granted, but with six inventory slots, the Loadstar doesn’t need it for most jobs. Not only does the Loadstar match the Actaeon’s A- fuel consumption rating, but it also sports A+ power. Toss some Jacks and Anchors on board and you’ll still have four slots left for whatever you might find during your journey. The Loadstar 1700 SE is a fantastic framework on which to build, and it only gets better with modifications.
Expeditions: A MudRunner Game is available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5,