Adopt Me offers a lot of ways to spend your stacks of cash, but there are fewer options for earning it. Bucks are the main currency, and it is in high demand for almost everything, such as decorating your home, developing pets, and much more. And now, we’ll tell you about the best ways to earn money fast in Adopt Me. There are many methods you can use, but some of them require spending Robux.
Adopt Me: How to Earn Money Fast

You can earn a lot of currency if you invest several dozen or even hundreds of Robux in the game. Of course, this option is not suitable for most players, as not everyone is ready to spend real money on in-game currency. That’s why we provide you with a few methods that don’t require spending Robux and can bring you a decent amount of Bucks.
Get Daily Rewards
This option can be considered the most passive, as it does not require any active or time-consuming actions in the game. Every day you will receive a free reward just for logging in to the game. It will take you a few seconds but the rewards you can get are worth it. The list of rewards also includes Bucks, so without missing a single day, you can accumulate a decent amount of this currency. With subsequent days the rewards will be more generous, so try not to lose this streak.
Complete Quests
The main source of your income will be completing quests. Quests come in different difficulty levels, each offering you more or less currency as a reward. Usually, the essence of quests is to visit a certain location, buy something, or level up a pet.
Take Care of Your Pets
As you have guessed, the essence of this method is to take care of your pets, which is not really difficult. This method can be perfectly combined with the previous one, because, while completing quests, you can easily meet the needs of your pets. As you walk around the world, you will occasionally notice round icons over your pets. These icons represent their needs, which you need to fulfill to get them to level up.
Similar to the previous option, these tasks can be easier or harder, such as giving your pet a drink or taking them for a walk in the park. Each of these tasks offers a reward in the form of Bucks, and the more actively you complete them, the easier it will be to build up you wealth.
Find a Job
Another good and interesting method is to get a job. You can choose between the Pizza Shop and the Salon, each of which offers the same salary of 50 bucks. Working here is not difficult — just go to the place of the job and interact with the mannequin to get started. This method will not only bring you currency but also give you a little break from the traditional gameplay.
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