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Think you can square up against Wild Rift’s plant goddess without a plan? Zyra can prove a formidable opponent if you’re not prepared. Before she wrecks you in battle, you should focus on finding the right League of Legends Champions to defend against and defeat her. Not only that, but it pays well to enter the fight with a solid strategy to make the most of it. After some rather harsh trials, we’ve discovered a good game plan to counter Zyra in Wild Rift.
Champions Who Can Counter Zyra

Zyra is one of the latest Champions to join Wild Rift. Whether she’s nerfed down the line is uncertain. What is certain is that her plants can cause havoc on the battlefield. She has no mobility, so she relies heavily on the plants.
Without a doubt, Zyra is squishy. But she makes up for it by hitting hard. A good player can seem like a bully to the opposition. So, the best way to counter Zyra is to build a team with great poke damage, some range, and some healing abilities. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to come in with enough resistance items to survive the onslaught. Below are three of our favorite Champions that can counter Zyra well:
- Sona
- Pyke
- Lux
Sona – Zyra Counter Strategy

For versatility, Sona is a key player against Zyra. Not only does she keep the team nice and healed, but she can poke at Zyra. Plus, she boasts “Hymn of Valor.” As a support role, Sona will further improve the team by increasing everyone’s poke damage. It’s a good way to chip down on Zyra’s health and keep your team in the battle as her plant minions attack.
Pyke – Counter Strategy

In contrast to Sona, Pyke leans more on precise and quick damage to counter Zyra. He can take full advantage of her lack of movement, jumping in fast to poke her and get the job done. As he can roam, he can maneuver around the plant minions too, focusing more on Zyra instead while keeping himself safe.
Lux – Counter Strategy

We all know that Lux is a wonderful support Champion. She can shield and heal with ease, and the later the game goes, the better she gets at both abilities. However, you can also place Lux mid lane and cause tremendous damage to Zyra if you play your cards right. She can counter Zyra by outranging her. Plus, if you bring items and runes like Stasis and Bone Plating, you can protect Lux and still whittle away at Zyra’s health.
Tips to Counter Zyra in Wild Rift
The best opening to fight Zyra is in the beginning moments of a match. So, you can use characters like Pyke to take her down fast before she taps into her full potential. We also mentioned that she doesn’t move much. Her immobility is another major weak point you can pick and prod at.
As a bonus, bring the right items to resist her magical abilities. This includes items like Force of Nature and Spirit Visage.
Zyra is still relatively new in Wild Rift, so it still takes some trial and error to discover good counters for her. Also, we have no idea just how much her character can change with future patches. For now, you can play around with our recommended Champions as well as your favorites. A good player can manage quite well with different characters against Zyra.
League of Legends: Wild Rift is available on iOS and Android.