Put down the headsets for just a spell, for Blade and Sorcery has summoned a new update for all warriors. Inside U12.2 for Blade and Sorcery are the new changes that are being added to the popular VR title. The changelog includes adjustments to the swimming mechanic, errors with installing mods, and smaller gameplay elements. This, of course, warrants several fixes to take place as well. The U12.2 update notes are below; here’s the official link for additional information.
Blade and Sorcery Summons Update U12.2 Patch Notes

- Fixed issue with index controllers and swimming
- [Nomad] Fixed home mirror black artifacts
- Fixed player eyes reflection being wrong when looking our avatar in the mirror
- Fixed bHaptics not loading plugin
- Fixed bug where an item breaks and the original doesn’t despawn
- Added new QA menu to test levels
- Fixed bug where players’ inventory wasn’t getting saved when going back to home
- Fixed not being possible to scroll down to read the last mod option tooltip.
- Fixed broken mod asset bundles causing the game to hang on loading screens
- Fixed removed modded items not being cleaned from the save file
- Fixed mod options’ categories not being shown in the selected language
- Potentially fixed an issue where players could hit an invisible barrier in some runs where CliffTerrace was added.
- Removed dirt from home mirror and reduced distortion effect slightly
- Fixed weird lighting in some areas of SewerMaintenance
- Fixed seams in the walls in SewerMaintenance
- Fixed incorrect skybox in SewerMaintenance
- Fixed weird water behavior in SewerMaintenance and UndergroundZipline
- Fixed clipping issues with the male mercenary gloves
- Fixed long text values overlapping the new mod options button frame
- Fixed long mod options tooltips overlapping over the options bellow
- Fixed bug where handposer tool wasn’t mirroring the fingertips position
- Fixed ModOptionSaveValue attributes not being processed
- Fixed ModOption(string name) constructor not setting default values
- Fixed a bug where the defaultValueIndex was sometimes not used
- Fixed a bug with color and catalogitem modoptions weren’t being refreshed by the UI if data was changed at runtime
- Using -vrmode oculus will now correctly force Oculus loader to be used
- Added MockHMD support using -vrmode mockhmd (for rendering debug purposes)
- [Nomad] Fixed home wooden planks having black tips
In the official aforementioned link, players can find other links for those who prefer to not use Steam. Stick around for more updates and announcements for Blade and Sorcery as WarpFrog continues to tweak U12.