Cheat providers have been ruining the Call of Duty experience for years now. Being shot by an automatic Grenade Launcher or laser beamed with an SMG in 100m range just isn’t fun. Thankfully, we’re happy to hear that one of the most notorious companies providing these illegal cheats has just been delivered a major blow.
Interwebz is a Call of Duty cheat provider, used to selling simple types of cheats like wallhacks and aimbots, all the way to more advanced features like shooting targets through walls. This company has recently uploaded a post on its official website, stating that they are no longer active in selling any type of cheat products to its users.
Now this is the sort of good news we’d like to hear more of. Cheating destorys the competitive integrity of normal or ranked lobbies. There are other ways to have fun, after all… like using a Mage build to take down opponents using spells in Warzone. Cheating isn’t the play.
Unfortunately, as far as the banning of the cheat provider companies goes, the shutdown of Interwebz by Call of Duty doesn’t quite cut the snake’s head. There’s always a possibility that the same people start a new company in secret, and sell their cheats elsewhere. You only need to do a quick Google search and you’ll get a flavor of just how many are out there.
One can only hope that users stop cheating in Call of Duty and other games like CS2. But the anti-cheat systems like Ricochet are not underperforming either. I’ve seen cheaters losing their weapons or getting useless shots in the game, so we might see a brighter future in multiplayer gaming.
Call of Duty: Warzone is currently available to play on PS5, PS4,