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If you decide to do some illicit activities, you might take a trip through the jail system in Starfield. Anyone who’s played Skyrim will understand that situation. Breaking the strict laws in Skyrim towns will land you right in jail. The same is true for Starfield. So, if you want to play around and cross the line of the law on the various planets, you may find yourself under arrest by the local authorities. We’ll explain the legal system in the game and ways you can avoid jail time.
How To Go to Jail in Starfield

So, you want to hurt some civilians? Maybe even kill them? Or perhaps steal candy from a baby? We don’t know if you can do that last one, but you can most certainly go on a crime spree in Starfield, but that can get you jail time. If you find yourself on the wrong side of the law, you will serve some time behind bars, and lose out on some money or even some cargo.
The following things will place you through the jail system in Starfield:
- Harming or murdering innocent people
- Theft/pickpocketing
- Illegal hacking
- Trespassing
- Contraband
Smuggling or carrying contraband is a fun feature in the game, but one that can quickly get you arrested. For instance, when you travel, security in the Freestar Collective or the United Colonies will scan you and your ship for contraband. They don’t scan for stolen items though.
When you go to jail in Starfield, you will lose some XP. If you have illegal items or contraband in your inventory, you will lose them. However, you can always get those items again if you go to the prison storage or storage in a nearby building. Once in jail, your ship moves nearby.
Ways To Avoid Going to Jail in Starfield
A good way to avoid jail in Starfield is to upgrade your ship. There are various components you can add to the ship, and one of those is a way to smuggle contraband. Don’t keep any contraband in your personal inventory as they always detect it. Instead, outfit your ship for smuggling and keep it there.
You can improve your chances of smuggling contraband with the following ship capabilities:
- Shielded Cargo: Place your contraband in the Shielded Cargo area. Be sure that the weight of the contraband isn’t too close to the capacity here as it may get detected.
- Scan Jammer: This upgrade is self-explanatory. It can reduce the likelihood that they will detect the contraband on your ship via scan.
Another good way to avoid jail in Starfield is to have high persuasion skills. Persuading guards can make bribing them easier. If all else fails, you can pay the requested fine. They still confiscate your items.
The best way to never get arrested and put in jail in Starfield is to not get caught in the first place. Raise those stealth skills and keep an eye on the detection bar so no one will ever notice you commit a crime.
How to Get Money (Credits) Fast in Starfield
Starfield releases on September 6 for PC and