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Game Reviews
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All Gregs were harmed in the making of this review
A breathtaking journey
The legend of Mt. Kafuku
You’d better bring some garlic or silver
Waku waku, spy, mission
10 piggies of death
Ever foward, starry-eyed
Do you remember the second time you and I met?
An a-peel-ing adventure with the monkey greats
A game within a game
New ways to develop your society
Becky the vampire hunter
I’ve never wanted super powers more than now
Latest stories
More +The art of disarming the enemy
Nintendo has left family-friendly games to go into a more mature, dark story that is…
One more run, I promise
For the God-Emperor of Man
And YOU get a Human Bomb!
Start your engines
A not so Solo smuggler
Hor, hor, hor, hor, hor
By Nat Collazo